container based virtualization

Container Networking

Container Networking

Containerization has revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications. Organizations have gained newfound flexibility and scalability by encapsulating applications in lightweight, isolated containers. However, as the number of containers increases, so does the networking complexity among them. This blog post will explore container networking, its challenges, solutions, and best practices.

Container networking refers to the communication and connectivity between containers within a distributed system. Unlike traditional monolithic applications, containers are designed to be ephemeral and can be dynamically created, scaled, and destroyed. This dynamic nature necessitates a flexible and efficient networking infrastructure to facilitate seamless communication between containers, regardless of their physical location.

Container networking is the foundation upon which communication between containers and the outside world is established. It allows containers to connect with each other, with other services, and with external networks. In this section, we will cover the fundamental concepts of container networking, including network namespaces, bridges, and virtual Ethernet devices.

There are various networking models and architectures to consider when working with containers. From host networking to overlay networks, each model offers different benefits and trade-offs. We will explore these models in detail, discussing their use cases, advantages, and potential limitations.

While container networking brings flexibility and scalability, it also introduces certain challenges. In this section, we will address common obstacles faced when dealing with container networking, such as IP address management, network isolation, and service discovery. We will provide insights into overcoming these challenges and offer practical solutions.

To ensure smooth and efficient container networking, it is crucial to follow best practices. We will share a set of guidelines and recommendations for implementing container networking effectively. From choosing the appropriate network driver to configuring network security policies, these best practices will empower you to optimize your container networking infrastructure

Highlights: Container Networking

Example: Network Services

The most common network service allows a source to reach an application endpoint. Nowadays, the network function no longer solely satisfies endpoint reachability; it is fully integrated into the application. In the case of OpenShift networking, the Route and Sevice construct provides both reachability and an abstraction layer for application access.

In the past, applications had three standard components: cache, web server, and database. Applications look very different now. Several services interact, are completely decoupled into units, and are packaged in containers; all are mobile and may move around.

openshift sdn

Container Networking and the CNI

Running a container requires a host. On-premises data centers may use physical machines such as bare-metal servers, or virtual machines may be used in the cloud.

Docker daemon and client access interactive container registry. Containers can also be started, stopped, paused, and inspected, and container images pulled/pushed. Modern containers are most often compliant with Open Container Initiative (OCI), and Docker is not the only option. Kubernetes and other alternatives to Docker can also be helpful.

Hosts and containers have a 1:N relationship. Typically, one host runs several containers. Facebook reports running 10 to 40 containers per host, depending on the machine’s beefiness.

You will likely have to deal with networking whether you use a single host or a cluster:

  • A single-host deployment almost always requires connecting to other containers on the same host; for example, WildFly might need to connect to a database.

  • During multi-host deployments, you must consider two aspects: how containers communicate inside and between hosts. Your design decisions will likely be influenced by performance and security concerns. An Apache Spark or Apache Kafka cluster generally requires multiple hosts when a single host’s capacity is insufficient or for resilience reasons.

Docker networking

In a nutshell, Docker offers four single-host networking modes:

  • Bridge mode

This is the default network driver, usually used for apps running in standalone containers.

  • Host mode

It is also used for standalone containers, removing network isolation from the host.

  • Container mode

It lets you reuse another container’s network namespace. Used in Kubernetes.

  • No networking

It disables Docker networking support and allows you to set up custom networking.


Related: Before you proceed, you may find the following helpful:

  1. Container Based Virtualization
  2. Neutron Network

What is Container Networking?

Key Container Networking Discussion points:

  • Introduction to Container networking and its operations.

  • Discussion Docker default networking and different Docker network types.

  • Namespaces, port mapping and traffic flow.

  • Kubernetes networking and the Pod concept.

  • A final note on container services.

Back to basics with Container Networking

Docker Networking

The Docker networking model uses a virtual bridge network by default, defined per host, and a private network where containers attach. The container’s IP address is allocated a private IP address, which indicates containers operating on different machines cannot communicate with each other.

In this case, you will have to map host ports to container ports and then proxy the traffic to reach across nodes with Docker. Therefore, it is up t the administrator to avoid port clashes between containers. Kubernetes networking handles this differently.

Challenges in Container Networking:

Container networking presents several challenges that must be addressed to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Some of the key challenges include:

1. Network Isolation: Containers should be isolated from each other to prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

2. IP Address Management: Containers are assigned unique IP addresses, which can quickly become challenging to manage as the number of containers grows.

3. Scalability: As the container ecosystem expands, the networking infrastructure must scale effortlessly to accommodate the increasing number of containers.

4. Service Discovery: Containers need a reliable mechanism to discover and communicate with other services within the network, especially in a microservices architecture.

Solutions and Best Practices:

To overcome these challenges, several solutions and best practices have emerged in the realm of container networking:

1. Container Network Interface (CNI): CNI is a specification that defines how container runtimes interact with networking plugins. It enables easy integration of various networking solutions into container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker.

2. Overlay Networking: Overlay networks create a virtual network that spans multiple hosts, allowing containers to communicate seamlessly, regardless of physical location. Technologies like VXLAN, GRE, and WireGuard are commonly used for overlay networking.


VXLAN unicast mode

3. Network Policies: Network policies define the rules and restrictions for incoming and outgoing traffic between containers. Organizations can enforce security and control network traffic flow within their containerized environments by implementing network policies.

4. Service Mesh: Service mesh technologies, such as Istio and Linkerd, provide advanced networking capabilities, including traffic management, load balancing, and observability. They enhance the resilience and reliability of containerized applications by offloading complex networking tasks from individual services.

Container Networking: A Different Application Philosophy

Computing is distributed over multiple elements, and they all interact arbitrarily. Network integration allows the application to be divided into several microservice components. Microservices will enable the application to be packaged into pieces and deployed on different hosts or even different cloud providers.

The application stack no longer belongs to a single server. Small, composable units enhance application replication and fault tolerance services. Containers and the ability to interconnect them make all this possible.

Containers offer a single-purpose environment. They are a bunch of lightweight namespaces and processes sharing a common kernel. Typically, you don’t run a full stack in a single container.

Ideally, there is only one process per container, which makes them very lightweight. VMs with guest O/S are resource-heavy; containers are a far better option if the application can be containerized.

However, containers offer an utterly different endpoint type for the network. With virtual machines spinning, they arrive and disappear quickly, measured in milliseconds, not seconds or minutes. The speed is down to their light properties. Some containerized application transactions only live for the length of transaction time. The infrastructure and network must be pre-built to support this type of endpoint.

Despite the advantages of containerization, keep in mind that Docker container security and Docker security options are enabled at each point in the defense layer.

Introducing Docker Network Types

Docker Default Networking 101

Docker networking comes with several Docker network types and setups. The latest release is Docker version 1.10 and has some enhancements, including linking with user-defined networks. There are other solutions available to enhance Docker networking functionality.

Docker is pluggable and allows ecosystem partners to plug into Docker networking. Project Calico offers a pure IP-based solution that utilizes the same principles of the Internet. Every host is an IP router. Calico uses a Felix agent and a BGP BIRD demon. This would be a clean option if the application only needs Layer 3 connectivity. 

The weave is another solution that operates an overlay function and aims to fit the multi-data center requirements. Each host in a Weave network thinks it belongs to one large switched fabric. The physical locations are abstracted, and they all have reachability. A multi-datacenter solution must concern itself with metrics other than endpoint reachability.

Container Networking with Linux Kernel and User Namespaces

Inside each container, a number of unique resources, such as network interfaces and file systems, appear isolated even though the containers share the Linux kernel. Global resources are abstracted to appear unique per container, an abstraction made available by the use of Linux namespaces.

Namespaces initially provided resource isolation for the first Linux containers project, offering a process virtualization solution. They do not create additional operating system instances on the host but instead use a single system with resource isolation.

Similarly, FreeBSD, where Jails provides resource isolation while running one kernel instance. In 2002, mount namespaces were the first type of Linux namespace with kernel 2.4.19. User namespaces emerged with kernel 3.8. 

The Different Namespaces

Containers have namespaces for each type of resource. We have six namespaces. 

    • Mount namespace makes the container feel like it has its filesystem. 
    • UTS namespace offers individual hostnames and domain names. 
    • User namespace provides isolation between the user and group IDs. 
    • IPC namespace isolates message queue systems. 
    • PID namespace offers different PIDs inside the container.

Finally, the network namespace gives the container a separate network stack. When you issue the docker ps command, you will see what ports are bound; these ports are on the namespace network interface.

Docker Networking and Docker Network Types

Install docker creates three network types – bridge, host, and none. You cannot delete these networks; you only interact with the default bridge network. There is the option to create user-defined networks and customized plugins. 

Network plugins (LibNetwork project) extend the docker network to support additional networking features such as IP VLAN or macvlan. User-defined networks can take the form of bridge or overlay networks.

Bridge networks have a single-host local scope, and overlay networks have multi-host global scope. The diagram below displays the default bridge and the corresponding attached containers. The driver is “default,” meaning it has local scope.

Container Networking

The user-defined bridge is similar to the default bridge0. Containers from the same host are added and can cross-communicate. External access is not prohibited, but you can expose network sections with port mappings.

The user-defined overlay networking feature enables multi-host networking using the VXLAN networking driver called libnetwork and Docker’s libkv library. One of the requirements for the overlay function to work is for a valid key-value store.

The Docker libkv library supports Consul, Etcd, and ZooKeeper. With Docker default networking, a veth pair is created – one veth pair is put inside the container and the other outside in the namespaces. All are connected via the docker bridge. The veth is mapped to appear as eth0 in the container, using Linux namespaces.

Container Networking

Container networking, port mapping, and traffic flow.

Docker container networking cross-communicates if they are on the same machine and thus connect to the same virtual bridge. Containers can also connect to multiple networks at the same time. By default, containers on different machines can not reach each other. Cross-communication on different nodes must be allocated ports on the machine’s IP address, which are then proxied to the containers.

Port mapping provides access to the container from the outside. Docker allocates a DNAT port in the range of 49153 – 65535. This additional functionality continues to use the default Docker0 bridge but adds IPtables rules for the DNAT.

When you spin up a container and do a port mapping, you can see it inside the docker ps command that you have a port mapping from, for example, the host 8080 to container 80. IPtables is setting a port mapping between 8080 to the IP addresses assigned to the container.

The problem with Docker is that you may have to coordinate ports and plenty of NAT. NAT was designed to address the shortage of IPv4 addresses and was only meant to be used for a short period. It is so ingrained in people’s minds we still see it come out in fresh designs.

Ports and NAT are problematic at scale and expose users to cluster-level issues outside their control. It brings the risk of port conflicts and many complexities to scheduling. 


Kubernetes networking does not use any NAT. Instead, it applies IP addresses at the Pod scope level. Remember that containers within a Pod share network namespaces, including their IP address. This means containers within a Pod can all reach each other’s ports on localhost. Kubernetes makes finding and configuring Kubernetes services much easier due to the unique IP addresses per Pod model.

Kubernetes Networking 101

Kubernetes Networking 101: IP-per-pod-model

Kubernetes network namespace has two fundamental abstractions – Pods and Services. Pods are essentially scheduling ATOMs in Kubernetes. They represent a group of tightly integrated containers that share resources and fate. An example of an application container grouping in a Pod might be a file puller and a web server.

Frontend / Backend tiers usually fall outside this category as they can be scaled separately. Pods share a network namespace and talk to each other as local hosts.

Pods are assigned a private IP that is routable within the internal fabric. Docker doesn’t give you an IP; you must do weird things like going through a host and exposing a port. This is not a great idea, as you may have issues and operational complexities with port deployment.

With Kubernetes, all containers talk to each other, even across nodes, without NAT. The entire solution is NAT-less, flat address space. Pods can talk to Pods without any translations. Communications on ports can be done but with well-known port numbers, avoiding service discovery systems like DNS-SD, Consul, or Etcd.

Container network and services

The second abstraction is services. Services is a similar analogy to that of a load balancer. They are groups of Pods that act as one. It may be better to reference the service with an IP address, not a Pod. This is because Pods can go away, but services are more dedicated.

A typical flow would be something like this – a client on a cluster looks for IP for a particular service. The Kubernetes nodes that it is running on do an iptables DNAT. Instead of going to the service, it reroutes to the Kube proxy. The Kube proxy is a proxy running on every Kubernetes node.

It programs iptables rules to trap access to service IPs and redirect them to the backends using round-robin load balancing. It also watches the API server to determine which pods are active and ready to serve requests.

Several implementations include Google Compute Engine, Flannel, Calico, and OVS with GRE/VxLAN to support the IP-per-pod model. OpenVSwitch connects Pods on different hosts with GRE or VxLAN. The Linux bridge replaces the docker0 bridge, encapsulating traffic to and from Pods. Flannel may also be used with Kubernetes.

It creates an overlay network and gives a subnet to each host. Flannel can be used on cloud providers that cannot offer an entire /24 to each host. Flannels’ flannel agent runs on each host and controls the IP assignment. Calico, already mentioned, is also an IP-based solution that relies on traditional BGP.

Closing Points: Container Networking

Container networking is a critical aspect of modern application development and deployment. As organizations continue to embrace containerization, understanding the challenges and implementing appropriate solutions and best practices is crucial for building a robust and efficient networking infrastructure. By leveraging container networking technologies, organizations can unlock the full potential of containerized applications, enabling seamless communication, scalability, and security in their distributed systems.


Summary: Container Networking

Container networking is fundamental to modern software development and deployment, enabling seamless communication and connectivity between containers. In this blog post, we delved into the intricacies of container networking, exploring key concepts and best practices to simplify connectivity and enhance scalability.

Understanding Container Networking Basics

Container networking involves establishing communication channels between containers, allowing them to exchange data and interact. We will explore the underlying principles and technologies that facilitate container networking, such as bridge networks, overlay networks, and network namespaces.

Container Networking Models

Depending on your application’s specific requirements, you can choose from various container networking models. We will discuss popular models like host networking, bridge networking, and overlay networking, highlighting their strengths and use cases. Understanding these models will empower you to make informed decisions regarding your container networking architecture.

Networking Drivers and Plugins

Container runtimes like Docker provide networking drivers and plugins to enhance container networking capabilities. We will explore popular networking drivers, such as bridge, macvlan, and overlay, and delve into the benefits and considerations of each. Additionally, we will discuss third-party networking plugins that enable advanced features like network security, load balancing, and service discovery.

Best Practices for Container Networking

To ensure efficient and reliable container networking, it is essential to follow best practices. We will cover critical recommendations, including proper network segmentation, optimizing network performance, implementing security measures, and monitoring network traffic. These practices will help you maximize the potential of your containerized applications.

Challenges and Solutions

Container networking can present challenges like network congestion, scalability issues, and inter-container communication complexities. In this section, we will address these challenges and provide practical solutions. We will discuss techniques like service meshes, container orchestration frameworks, and software-defined networking (SDN) to overcome these obstacles effectively.


Container networking is a critical component of modern application development and deployment. You can build robust and scalable containerized environments by understanding the basics, exploring various models, leveraging appropriate drivers and plugins, following best practices, and overcoming challenges. Embracing the power of container networking allows you to unlock the full potential of your applications, enabling efficient communication and seamless scalability.

Matt Conran
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