POZNAN, POL - APR 15, 2021: Laptop computer displaying logo of OpenShift, a family of containerization software products developed by Red Hat

OpenShift Networking

OpenShift Networking

OpenShift, developed by Red Hat, is a leading container platform that enables organizations to streamline their application development and deployment processes. With its robust networking capabilities, OpenShift provides a secure and scalable environment for running containerized applications. This blog post will explore the critical aspects of OpenShift networking and how it can benefit your organization.

OpenShift networking is built on top of Kubernetes networking and extends its capabilities to provide a flexible and scalable networking solution for containerized applications. It offers various networking options to meet the diverse needs of different organizations.

Load balancing and service discovery are essential aspects of Openshift networking. In this section, we will explore how Openshift handles load balancing across pods using services. We will discuss the various load balancing algorithms available and highlight the importance of service discovery in ensuring seamless communication between microservices within an Openshift cluster.

Openshift offers different networking models to suit diverse deployment scenarios. We will explore the three main models: Overlay Networking, Host Networking, and VxLAN Networking. Each model has its advantages and considerations, and we'll highlight the use cases where they shine.

Openshift provides several advanced networking features that enhance performance, security, and flexibility. We'll dive into topics like Network Policies, Service Mesh, Ingress Controllers, and Load Balancing. Understanding and utilizing these features will empower you to optimize your Openshift networking environment.

Table of Contents

Highlights: OpenShift Networking

OpenShift relies heavily on a networking stack at two layers:

  1. In the case of OpenShift itself deployed in the virtual environment, the physical network equipment directly determines the underlying network topology. OpenShift does not control this level, which provides connectivity to OpenShift masters and nodes.
  2. OpenShift SDN plugin determines the virtual network topology. At this level, applications are connected, and external access is provided.

The network topology in OpenShift

OpenShift uses an overlay network based on VXLAN to enable containers to communicate with each other. Layer 2 (Ethernet) frames can be transferred across Layer 3 (IP) networks using the Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) protocol.

Whether the communication is limited to pods within the same project or completely unrestricted depends on the SDN plugin being used. The network topology remains the same regardless of which plugin is used.

SDN plugins

OpenShift makes its internal SDN plugins available out-of-the-box and for integration with third-party SDN frameworks. The following are three built-in plugins that are available in OpenShift:

  1. ovs-subnet
  2. ovs-multitenant
  3. ovs-network policy

Related: Before you proceed, you may find the following posts helpful for some pre-information

  1. Kubernetes Networking 101 
  2. Kubernetes Security Best Practice 
  3. Internet of Things Theory
  4. OpenStack Neutron
  5. Load Balancing
  6. ACI Cisco

OpenShift Networking

Key OpenShift Networking Discussion points:

  • Challenges with containers and endpoint reachability.

  • Challenges to Docker networking.

  • The Kubernetes networking model.

  • Basics of Pod networking.

  • OpenShift networking SDN modes.

Back to Basics: OpenShift Networking

Networking Overview

Each pod in Kubernetes is assigned an IP address from an internal network that allows pods to communicate with each other. By doing this, all containers within the pod behave as if they were on the same host. The IP address of each pod enables pods to be treated like physical hosts or virtual machines. It includes port allocation, networking, naming, service discovery, load balancing, application configuration, and migration.

Linking pods together is unnecessary, and IP addresses shouldn’t be used to communicate directly between pods. Instead, create a service to interact with the pods.

OpenShift Container Platform DNS

To enable the frontend pods to communicate with the backend services when running multiple services, such as frontend and backend, environment variables are created for user names, service IPs, and more. To pick up the updated values for the service IP environment variable, the frontend pods must be recreated if the service is deleted and recreated. To ensure that the IP address for the backend service is generated correctly and that it can be passed to the frontend pods as an environment variable, the backend service must be created before any frontend pods.

Due to this, the OpenShift Container Platform has a built-in DNS, enabling the service to be reached by both the service DNS and the service IP/port. Split DNS is supported by the OpenShift Container Platform by running SkyDNS on the master, which answers DNS queries for services. By default, the master listens on port 53.


Networking Overview

1. Pod Networking:

In OpenShift, containers are encapsulated within pods, the most minor deployable units. Each pod has its IP address and can communicate with other pods within the same project or across different projects. This enables seamless communication and collaboration between applications running on different pods.

2. Service Networking:

OpenShift introduces the concept of services, which act as stable endpoints for accessing pods. Services provide a layer of abstraction, allowing applications to communicate with each other without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. With service networking, you can easily expose your applications to the outside world and manage traffic efficiently.

3. Ingress and Egress:

OpenShift provides a robust routing infrastructure through its built-in Ingress Controller. It lets you define rules and policies for accessing your applications outside the cluster. To ensure seamless connectivity, you can easily configure routing paths, load balancing, SSL termination, and other advanced features.

4. Network Policies:

OpenShift enables fine-grained control over network traffic through network policies. You can define rules to allow or deny communication between pods based on their labels and namespaces. This helps in enforcing security measures and isolating sensitive workloads from unauthorized access.

5. Multi-Cluster Networking:

OpenShift allows you to connect multiple clusters, creating a unified networking fabric. This enables you to distribute your applications across different clusters, improving scalability and fault tolerance. You can easily manage and monitor your multi-cluster environment using OpenShift’s intuitive interface.

Benefits of OpenShift Networking:

– Scalability: OpenShift’s networking capabilities allow you to scale your applications horizontally by adding more pods or vertically by increasing the resources allocated to each pod.

– Security: With network policies and ingress/egress controls, you can enforce strict security measures and protect your applications from unauthorized access.

– High Availability: OpenShift’s multi-cluster networking enables you to distribute your applications across multiple clusters, ensuring high availability and resilience.

– Easy Management: OpenShift provides a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring your networking configurations, making it easier for administrators to maintain and troubleshoot the network.

Key Challenges

We have several challenges with traditional data center networks that prove the inability to support today’s applications, such as microservices and containers. Therefore, we need a new set of networking technologies built into OpenShift SDN to deal adequately with today’s landscape changes.

Firstly, one of the main issues is that we have a tight coupling with all the networking and infrastructure components. With traditional data center networking, Layer 4 is coupled with the network topology at fixed network points and lacks the flexibility to support today’s containerized applications that are more agile than the traditional monolith application.

One of the main issues is that containers are short-lived and constantly spun down. Assets that support the application, such as IP addresses, firewalls, policies, and overlay networks that glue the connectivity, are continually recycled. These changes bring a lot of agility and business benefits, but there is an extensive comparison to a traditional network that is relatively static, where changes happen every few months.

OpenShift Networking

OpenShift is a powerful containerization platform that enables developers to build, deploy, and manage applications easily. One crucial aspect of OpenShift is its networking capabilities, which play a vital role in ensuring connectivity and communication between various components within the platform.

1. Overview of OpenShift Networking:
OpenShift networking provides a robust and scalable network infrastructure for applications running on the platform. It allows containers and pods to communicate with each other and external systems and services. The networking model in OpenShift is based on the Kubernetes networking model, providing a standardized and flexible approach.

2. Network Namespace Isolation:
OpenShift networking leverages network namespaces to achieve isolation between different projects, or namespaces, on the platform. Each project has its virtual network, ensuring that containers and pods within a project can communicate securely while isolated from other projects.

3. Service Discovery and OpenShift Load Balancer:
OpenShift networking provides service discovery and load-balancing mechanisms to facilitate communication between various components of an application. Services act as stable endpoints, allowing containers and pods to connect to them using DNS or environmental variables. The built-in OpenShift load balancer ensures that traffic is distributed evenly across multiple instances of a service, improving scalability and reliability.

4. Ingress and Egress Network Policies:
OpenShift networking allows administrators to define ingress and egress network policies to control network traffic flow within the platform. Ingress policies specify rules for incoming traffic, allowing or denying access to specific services or pods. Egress policies, on the other hand, regulate outgoing traffic from pods, enabling administrators to restrict access to external systems or services.

5. Network Plugins and Providers:
OpenShift networking supports various network plugins and providers, allowing users to choose the networking solution that best fits their requirements. Some popular options include Open vSwitch (OVS), Flannel, Calico, and Multus. These plugins provide additional capabilities such as network isolation, advanced routing, and security features.

6. Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
OpenShift provides robust monitoring and troubleshooting tools to help administrators track network performance and resolve issues. The platform integrates with monitoring systems like Prometheus, allowing users to collect and analyze network metrics. Additionally, OpenShift provides logging and debugging features to aid in identifying and resolving network-related problems.

POD network

As a general rule, pod-to-pod communication holds for all Kubernetes clusters: An IP address is assigned to each Pod in Kubernetes. While pods can communicate directly with each other by addressing their IP addresses, it is recommended that they use Services instead. Services consist of Pods accessed through a single, fixed DNS name or IP address. The majority of Kubernetes applications use Services to communicate. Since Pods can be restarted frequently, addressing them directly by name or IP is highly brittle. Instead, use a Service to manage another pod.

Simple pod-to-pod communication

The first thing to understand is how Pods communicate within Kubernetes. Kubernetes provides IP addresses for each Pod. IP addresses are used to communicate between pods at a very primitive level. Therefore, you can directly address another Pod using its IP address whenever needed.

A Pod has the same characteristics as a virtual machine (VM), which has an IP address, exposes ports, and interacts with other VMs on the network via IP address and port.

What is the communication mechanism between the frontend pod and the backend pod? In a web application architecture, a front-end application is expected to talk to a backend, which could be an API or a database. In Kubernetes, the front and back end would be separated into two Pods.

The front end could be configured to communicate directly with the back end via its IP address. However, a front end would still need to know the backend’s IP address, which can be tricky when the Pod is restarted or moved to another node. Using a Service can make our solution less brittle.

Because the app still communicates with the API pods via the Service, which has a stable IP address, if the Pods die or need to be restarted, this won’t affect the app.

pod networking
Diagram: Pod networking. Source is tutorialworks

How do containers in the same Pod communicate?

Sometimes, you may need to run multiple containers in the same Pod. The IP addresses of various containers in the same Pod are the same, so Localhost can be used to communicate between them. For example, a container in a pod can use the address localhost:8080 to communicate with another container in the Pod on port 8080.

Two containers cannot share the same port in the same pod because the IP addresses are shared, and communication occurs on localhost. For instance, you wouldn’t be able to have two containers in the same Pod that expose port 8080. So, it would help if you ensured that the services use different ports.

In Kubernetes, pods can communicate with each other in a few different ways:

  1. Containers in the same Pod can connect using localhost; the other container exposes the port number.
  2. A container in a Pod can connect to another Pod using its IP address. To find the IP address of a pod, you can use oc get pods.
  3. A container can connect to another Pod through a Service. A service has an IP address and usually has a DNS name, like my service.

OpenShift and Pod Networking

When you initially deploy OpenShift, a private pod network is created. Each pod in your OpenShift cluster is assigned an IP address on the pod network, which is used to communicate with each pod across the cluster.

The pod network spanned all nodes in your cluster and was extended to your second application node when that was added to the cluster. Your pod network IP addresses can’t be used on your network by any network that OpenShift might need to communicate with. OpenShift’s internal network routing follows all the rules of any network, and multiple destinations for the same IP address lead to confusion.

Endpoint Reachability

Also, Endpoint Reachability. Not only have endpoints changed, but have the ways we reach them. The application stack previously had very few components, maybe just a cache, web server, or database. Using a load balancing algorithm, the most common network service allows a source to reach an application endpoint or load balance to several endpoints.

A simple round-robin or a load balancer that measured load was standard. Essentially, the sole purpose of the network was to provide endpoint reachability. However, changes inside the data center are driving networks and network services toward becoming more integrated with the application.

Nowadays, the network function exists no longer solely to satisfy endpoint reachability; it is fully integrated. In the case of Red Hat’s OpenShift, the network is represented as a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) layer. SDN means different things to different vendors. So, let me clarify in terms of OpenShift.

Highlighting software-defined network (SDN)

When you examine traditional networking devices, you see the control and forwarding planes, which are shared on a single device. The concept of SDN separates these two planes, i.e., the control and forwarding planes are decoupled. They can now reside on different devices, bringing many performance and management benefits.

The benefits of network integration and decoupling make it much easier for the applications to be divided into several microservice components driving the microservices culture of application architecture. You could say that SDN was a requirement for microservices.

software defined networking
Diagram: Software Defined Networking (SDN). Source is Opennetworking

Challenges to Docker Networking 

Port mapping and NAT

Docker containers have been around for a while, but networking had significant drawbacks when they first came out. If you examine container networking, for example, Docker containers have other challenges when they connect to a bridge on the node where the docker daemon is running.

To allow network connectivity between those containers and any endpoint external to the node, we need to do some port mapping and Network Address Translation (NAT). This adds complexity.

Port Mapping and NAT have been around for ages. Introducing these networking functions will complicate container networking when running at scale. It is perfectly fine for 3 or 4 containers, but the production network will have many more endpoints to deal with. The origins of container networking are based on a simple architecture and primarily a single-host solution.

Docker at scale: The need for an orchestration layer

The core building blocks of containers, such as namespaces and control groups, are battle-tested. Although the docker engine manages containers by facilitating Linux Kernel resources, it’s limited to a single host operating system. Once you get past three hosts, networking is hard to manage. Everything needs to be spun up in a particular order, and consistent network connectivity and security, regardless of the mobility of the workloads, are also challenged.

Docker Default networking
Diagram: Docker Default networking

This led to an orchestration layer. Just as a container is an abstraction over the physical machine, the container orchestration framework is an abstraction over the network. This brings us to the Kubernetes networking model, which Openshift takes advantage of and enhances; for example, the OpenShift Route Construct exposes applications for external access.

We will be discussing OpenShift Routes and Kubernetes Services in just a moment.

Introduction to OpenShift

OpenShift Container Platform (formerly known as OpenShift Enterprise) or OCP is Red Hat’s offering for the on-premises private platform as a service (PaaS). OpenShift is based on the Origin open-source project and is a Kubernetes distribution. The foundation of the OpenShift Container Platform is based on Kubernetes and, therefore, shares some of the same networking technology along with some enhancements.

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration, and OpenShift is derived from containers, with Kubernetes as the orchestration layer. All of these elements lay upon an SDN layer that glues everything together. It is the role of SDN to create the cluster-wide network. And the glue that connects all the dots is the overlay network that operates over an underlay network. But first, let us address the Kubernetes Networking model of operation.

The Kubernetes model: Pod networking

As we discussed, the Kubernetes networking model was developed to simplify Docker container networking, which had drawbacks. It introduced the concept of Pod and Pod networking, allowing multiple containers inside a Pod to share an IP namespace. They can communicate with each other on IPC or localhost.

Nowadays, we are placing a single container into a pod, which acts as a boundary layer for any cluster parameters directly affecting the container. So, we run deployment against pods and not containers.

In OpenShift, we can assign networking and security parameters to Pods that will affect the container inside. When an app is deployed on the cluster, each Pod gets an IP assigned, and each Pod could have different applications.

For example, Pod 1 could have a web front end, and Pod could be a database, so the Pods need to communicate. For this, we need a network and IP address. By default, Kubernetes allocates an internal IP address for each Pod for applications running within the Pod. Pods and their containers can network, but clients outside the cluster cannot access internal cluster resources by default. With Pod networking, every Pod must be able to communicate with each other Pod in the cluster without Network Address Translation (NAT).

OpenShift Network Policy
Diagram: OpenShift Network Policy.

A typical service type: ClusterIP

The most common service IP address type is “ClusterIP .” ClusterIP is a persistent virtual IP address used for load-balancing traffic internal to the cluster. Services with these service types cannot be directly accessed outside the cluster; there are other service types for that requirement.

The service type of Cluster-IP is considered for East-West traffic since it originates from Pods running in the cluster to the service IP backed by Pods that also run in the cluster.

Then, to enable external access to the cluster, we need to expose the services that the Pod or Pods represent, and this is done with an Openshift Route that provides a URL. So, we have a service running in front of the pod or groups of pods. The default is for internal access only. Then, we have a URL-based route that gives the internal service external access.

Openshift load balancer
Diagram: Openshift networking and clusterIP. Source is Redhat.

Using an OpenShift Load Balancer

Get Traffic into the Cluster

OpenShift Container Platform clusters can be accessed externally through an OpenShift load balancer service if you do not need a specific external IP address. The OpenShift load balancer allocates unique IP addresses from configured pools. Load balancers have a single edge router IP (which can be a virtual IP (VIP), but it is still a single machine for initial load balancing). How many OpenShift load balancers are there in OpenShift?

Two load balancers

The solution supports some load balancer configuration options: Use the playbooks to configure two load balancers for highly available production deployments. Use the playbooks to configure a single load balancer, which is helpful for proof-of-concept deployments. Deploy the solution using your OpenShift load balancer.

This process involves the following:

  1. The administrator performs the prerequisites;
  2. The developer creates a project and service if the service to be exposed does not exist;
  3. The developer exposes the service to create a route.
  4. The developer creates the Load Balancer Service.
  5. The network administrator configures networking to the service.

OpenShift load balancer: Different Openshift SDN networking modes

OpenShift security best practices  

So, depending on your Openshift SDN configuration, you can tailor the network topology differently. You can have free-for-all Pod connectivity, similar to a flat network or something stricter, with different security boundaries and restrictions. A free-for-all Pod connectivity between all projects might be good for a lab environment.

Still, for production networks with multiple projects, you may need to tailor the network with segmentation, which can be done with one of the OpenShift SDN plugins. We will get to this in a moment.

Openshift networking does this with an SDN layer and enhances Kubernetes networking to have a virtual network across all the nodes created with the Open switch standard. For the Openshift SDN, this Pod network is established and maintained by the OpenShift SDN, configuring an overlay network using Open vSwitch (OVS).

The OpenShift SDN plugin

We mentioned that you could tailor the virtual network topology to suit your networking requirements. The OpenShift SDN plugin and the SDN model you select can determine this. With the default OpenShift SDN, several modes are available.

This level of SDN mode you choose is concerned with managing connectivity between applications and providing external access to them.

Some modes are more fine-grained than others. How are all these plugins enabled? The Openshift Container Platform (OCP) networking relies on the Kubernetes CNI model while supporting several plugins by default and several commercial SDN implementations, including Cisco ACI. The native plugins rely on the virtual switch Open vSwitch and offer alternatives to providing segmentation using VXLAN, specifically the VNID or the Kubernetes Network Policy objects:

We have, for example:

        • ovs-subnet  
        • ovs-multitenant  
        • ovs-network policy

Choosing the right plugin depends on your security and control goals. As SDNs take over networking, third-party vendors develop programmable network solutions. OpenShift is tightly integrated with products from such providers by Red Hat. According to Red Hat, the following solutions are production-ready:

  1. Nokia Nuage
  2. Cisco Contiv
  3. Juniper Contrail
  4. Tigera Calico
  5. VMWare NSX-T
  6. ovs-subnet plugin

After OpenShift is installed, this plugin is enabled by default. As a result, pods can be connected across the entire cluster without limitations so traffic can flow freely between them. This may be undesirable if security is a top priority in large multitenant environments. 

ovs-multitenant plugin

Security is usually unimportant in PoCs and sandboxes but becomes paramount when large enterprises have diverse teams and project portfolios, especially when third parties develop specific applications. A multitenant plugin like ovs-multitenant is an excellent choice if simply separating projects is all you need.

This plugin sets up flow rules on the br0 bridge to ensure that only traffic between pods with the same VNID is permitted, unlike the ovs-subnet plugin, which passes all traffic across all pods. It also assigns the same VNID to all pods for each project, keeping them unique across projects.

ovs-networkpolicy plugin

While the ovs-multitenant plugin provides a simple and largely adequate means for managing access between projects, it does not allow granular control over access. In this case, the ovs-networkpolicy plugin can be used to create custom NetworkPolicy objects that, for example, apply restrictions to traffic egressing or entering the network.

Egress routers

In OpenShift, routers direct ingress traffic from external clients to services, which then forward it to pods. As well as forwarding egress traffic from pods to external networks, OpenShift offers a reverse type of router. Egress routers, on the other hand, are implemented using Squid instead of HAProxy. Routers with egress capabilities can be helpful in the following situations:

  • They are masking different external resources used by several applications with a single global resource. For example, applications may be developed so that they are built, pulling dependencies from other mirrors, and collaboration between their development teams is rather loose. So, instead of getting them to use the same mirror, an operations team can set up an egress router to intercept all traffic directed to those mirrors and redirect it to the same site.
  • To redirect all suspicious requests for specific sites to the audit system for further analysis.

OpenShift supports the following types of egress routers:

  • redirect for redirecting traffic to a specific destination IP
  • http-proxy for proxying HTTP, HTTPS, and DNS traffic

Summary: OpenShift Networking

In the ever-evolving world of cloud computing, Openshift has emerged as a robust application development and deployment platform. One crucial aspect that makes it stand out is its networking capabilities. In this blog post, we delved into the intricacies of Openshift networking, exploring its key components, features, and benefits.

Section 1: Understanding Openshift Networking Fundamentals

Openshift networking operates on a robust and flexible architecture that enables efficient communication between various components within a cluster. It utilizes a combination of software-defined networking (SDN) and network overlays to create a scalable and resilient network infrastructure.

Section 2: Exploring Networking Models in Openshift

Openshift offers different networking models to suit various deployment scenarios. The most common models include Single-Stack Networking, Dual-Stack Networking, and Multus CNI. Each model has its advantages and considerations, allowing administrators to choose the most suitable option for their specific requirements.

Section 3: Deep Dive into Openshift SDN

At the core of Openshift networking lies the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) solution. It provides the necessary tools and mechanisms to manage network traffic, implement security policies, and enable efficient communication between Pods and Services. We will explore the inner workings of Openshift SDN, including its components like the SDN controller, virtual Ethernet bridges, and IP routing.

Section 4: Network Policies in Openshift

To ensure secure and controlled communication between Pods, Openshift implements Network Policies. These policies define rules and regulations for network traffic, allowing administrators to enforce fine-grained access controls and segmentation. We will discuss the concept of Network Policies, their syntax, and practical examples to showcase their effectiveness.


Openshift’s networking capabilities play a crucial role in enabling seamless communication and connectivity within a cluster. By understanding the fundamentals, exploring different networking models, and harnessing the power of SDN and Network Policies, administrators can leverage Openshift’s networking features to build robust and scalable applications.

In conclusion, Openshift networking opens up a world of possibilities for developers and administrators, empowering them to create resilient and interconnected environments. By diving deep into its intricacies, one can unlock the full potential of Openshift networking and maximize the efficiency of their applications.

Matt Conran: The Visual Age
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