Musical ensemble playing classic music on various instruments while performing concert on outdoor stage

Hands on Kubernetes

Hands On Kubernetes

Welcome to the world of Kubernetes, where container orchestration becomes seamless and efficient. In this blog post, we will delve into the ins and outs of Kubernetes, exploring its key features, benefits, and its role in modern application development. Kubernetes, often referred to as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a robust infrastructure for running and coordinating containers across a cluster of hosts, simplifying the management of complex distributed systems.

Kubernetes offers a plethora of powerful features that make it a go-to choice for managing containerized applications. Some notable features include: a) Scalability and High Availability: Kubernetes allows you to scale your applications effortlessly by dynamically adjusting the number of containers based on the workload. It also ensures high availability by automatically distributing containers across multiple nodes, minimizing downtime.

b) Service Discovery and Load Balancing: With Kubernetes, services are given unique DNS names and can be easily discovered by other services within the cluster. Load balancing is seamlessly handled, distributing incoming traffic across the available containers.

c) Self-Healing: Kubernetes continuously monitors the health of containers and automatically restarts failed containers or replaces them if they become unresponsive. This ensures that your applications are always up and running.

To embark on your Kubernetes journey, you need to set up a Kubernetes cluster. This involves configuring a master node to manage the cluster and adding worker nodes that run the containers. There are various tools and platforms available to simplify this process, such as Minikube, kubeadm, or cloud providers like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Once your Kubernetes cluster is up and running, you can start deploying and managing applications. Kubernetes provides powerful abstractions called Pods, Services, and Deployments. Pods are the smallest unit in Kubernetes, representing one or more containers that are deployed together on a single host. Services provide a stable endpoint for accessing a group of pods, and Deployments enable declarative updates and rollbacks of applications.

Conclusion: Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage containerized applications, providing a scalable and resilient infrastructure for modern development. By automating the orchestration of containers, Kubernetes empowers developers and operators to focus on building and scaling applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

In conclusion, mastering Kubernetes opens up a world of possibilities for efficient container orchestration. Whether you are a developer or an IT professional, diving into Kubernetes will undoubtedly enhance your skills and simplify the deployment and management of your applications.

Highlights: Hands On Kubernetes

Container-based applications

Kubernetes is an open-source orchestrator for containerized applications. Google developed it based on its experience deploying scalable, reliable container systems via application-oriented APIs.

In 2014, Kubernetes was introduced as one of the world’s largest and most popular open-source projects. Most public clouds use this API to build cloud-native applications. Cloud-native developers can use it on all scales, from a cluster of Raspberry Pis to a data center full of the latest machines. This software can also be used to build and deploy distributed systems.

Reliable and scalable distributed system

You may wonder what we mean by “reliable, scalable distributed systems” as more services are delivered via APIs over the network. Many APIs are delivered by distributed systems, in which the various components are distributed across multiple machines and coordinated through a network.It is important that these systems are highly reliable because we increasingly rely on them (for example, to find directions to the nearest hospital).

Regardless of how badly the other parts of the system fail, no part will fail. They must maintain availability during software rollouts and maintenance procedures. Due to the increasing number of people online and using these services, they must be highly scalable to keep up with ever-increasing usage without redesigning the distributed system that implements them. The capacity of your application will be automatically increased (and decreased) to maximize its efficiency.

container based virtualization

Cloud Platform

Cloud Platform has a ready-made GOOGLE CONTAINER ENGINE enabling the deployment of containerized environments with Kubernetes. The following post illustrates hands-on Kubernetes with PODS and LABELS. Pods & Labels are the main differentiators between Kubernetes and container scheduler such as Docker Swarm. A group of one or more containers is called a Pod, and containers in a Pod act together. Labels are assigned to pods for specific targeting and are organized into groups.

There are many reasons people come to use containers and container APIs like Kubernetes, but we believe they can all be traced back to one of these benefits:

  1. Development velocity
  2. Scaling (of both software and teams)
  3. Abstracting your infrastructure
  4. Efficiency
  5. Cloud-native ecosystem

You may find the following helpful information before you proceed. 

  1. Kubernetes Security Best Practice
  2. OpenShift Networking
  3. Kubernetes Network Namespace
  4. Neutron Network 
  5. Service Chaining

Hands on Kubernetes

Key Hands on Kubernetes Discussion points:

  • Introduction to Kubernetes but with a hands on approach to explanation.

  • Discussion on the Kubernetes cluster creation.

  • Kubernetes networking and components used.

  • Details on container creation.

  • A final note on Kubernetes services and labels.

Back to basics with the Kubernetes Networking Model

The Kubernetes networking model natively supports multi-host cluster networking. The work unit in Kubernetes is called a pod. A pod includes one or more containers, which are consistently scheduled and run “together” on the same node. This connectivity allows individual service instances to be separated into distinct containers. Pods can communicate with each other by default, regardless of which host they are deployed on.

How does Kubernetes work?

At its core, Kubernetes relies on a master-worker architecture to manage and control containerized applications. The master node acts as the brain of the cluster, overseeing and coordinating the entire system. It keeps track of all the resources and defines the cluster’s desired state.

The worker nodes, on the other hand, are responsible for running the actual containerized applications. They receive instructions from the master node and maintain the desired state. If a worker node fails, Kubernetes automatically redistributes the workload to other available nodes, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.

Key Features and Benefits of Kubernetes:

1. Scalability: Kubernetes allows organizations to effortlessly scale their applications by automatically adjusting the number of containers based on resource demand. This ensures optimal utilization of resources and enhances performance.

2. Fault Tolerance: Kubernetes provides built-in mechanisms for handling failures and ensuring high availability. By automatically restarting failed containers or redistributing workloads, Kubernetes minimizes the impact of failures on the overall system.

3. Service Discovery and Load Balancing: Kubernetes simplifies service discovery by providing a built-in DNS service. It also offers load-balancing capabilities, ensuring traffic is evenly distributed across containers, enhancing performance and reliability.

4. Self-Healing: Kubernetes continuously monitors the state of containers and automatically restarts or replaces them if they fail. This self-healing capability reduces downtime and improves the overall reliability of applications.

5. Infrastructure Agnostic: Kubernetes is designed to be infrastructure agnostic, meaning it can run on any cloud provider or on-premises infrastructure. This flexibility allows organizations to avoid vendor lock-in and choose the deployment environment that best suits their needs.

Kubernetes Cluster Creation

The first step for Kubernetes basics and deploying a containerized environment is to create a Container Cluster. This is the mothership of the application environment. The Cluster acts as the foundation for all application services. It is where you place instance nodes, Pods, and replication controllers. By default, the Cluster is placed on a Default Network.

The default container networking construct has a single firewall. Automatic routes are installed so that each host can communicate internally. Cross-communication is permitted by default without explicit configuration. Any inbound traffic sourced externally to the Cluster must be specified with service mappings and ingress rules. By default, it will be denied. 

Container Clusters are created through the command-line tool gcloud or the Cloud Platform. The following diagrams display the creation of a cluster on the Cloud Platform and local command line. First, you must fill out a few details, including the Cluster name, Machine type, and number of nodes.

The scale you can build determines how many nodes you can deploy. Google currently has a 60-day free trial with $300 worth of credits.

Hands on Kubernetes

Once the Cluster is created, you can view the nodes assigned to the Cluster. For example, the extract below shows that we have three nodes with the status of Ready.

Hands on Kubernetes

Kubernetes Networking 101

Hands-on Kubernetes: Kubernetes basics and Kubernetes cluster nodes

Nodes are the building blocks within a cluster. Each node runs a Docker runtime and hosts a Kubelet agent. The docker runtime is what builds and runs the Docker containers. The type and number of node instances are selected during cluster creation.

Select the node instance based on the scale you would like to achieve. After creation, you can increase or decrease the size of your Cluster with corresponding nodes. If you increase instances, new instances are created with the same configuration as existing ones. When reducing the size of a cluster, the replication controller reschedules the Pods onto the remaining instances.  

Once created, issue the following CLI commands to view the Cluster, nodes, and other properties. The screenshot above shows a small cluster machine, “n1-standard-1,” with three nodes. If unspecified, these are the default. Once the Cluster is created, the kubectl command creates and manages resources.


Hands-on Kubernetes: Container creation

Once the Cluster is created, we can continue to create containers. Containers are isolated units sealing individual application entities. We have the option to create single-container Pods or multi-container Pods. Single-style Pods have one container, and multi-containers have more than one container per Pod.

A replication controller monitors Pod activity and ensures the correct number of Pod replicas. It constantly monitors and dynamically resizes. Even within a single container Pod design, a replication controller is recommended.

When creating a Pod, the pod’s name will be applied to the replication controller. The following example displays the creation of a container from the docker image. We proceed to SSH to the container and view instances with the docker ps command.


A container’s filesystem lives as long as the container is active. You may want container files to survive a restart or crash. For example, if you have MYSQL, you may want these files to be persistent. For this purpose, you mount persistent disks to the container.

Persistent disks exist independently of your instance, and data remains intact regardless of the instance state. They enable the application to preserve the state during activities such as restarting and shutting down.

Hands-on Kubernetes: Service and labels

An abstraction layer proves connectivity between application layers to interact with Pods and Containers with use services. Services map ports on a node to ports on one or more Pods. They provide a load-balancing style function across pods by identifying Pods with labels.

With a service, you tell the pods to proxy by identifying each Pod with a label key pair. This is conceptually similar to an internal load balancer.

The critical values in the service configuration file are the ports field, selector, and labelThe port field is the port exposed on the cluster node, and the target port is the port exposed on the Pod. The selector is the label-value pair that highlights which Pods to target.

All Pods with this label are targeted. For example, a service named my app resolves to TCP port 9376 on any Pod with the app=example label. The service can be accessed through port 8765 on any of the nodes’ IP addresses.


For service abstraction to work, the Pods we create must match the label and port configuration. If the correct labels are not assigned, nothing works. A flag also specifies a load-balancing operation. This uses a single IP address to spray traffic to all NODES.

The type Load Balancer flag creates an external IP on which the Pod accepts traffic. External traffic hits a public IP address and forwards to a port. The port is the service port to expose the cluster IP, and the target port is the port to target the pods. Ingress rules permit inbound connections from external destinations to each Cluster. Ingress is a collection of rules.

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way organizations deploy and manage containerized applications. Its ability to automate and streamline container orchestration has made it the go-to solution for modern application development. By leveraging Kubernetes, organizations can achieve greater scalability, fault tolerance, and agility in their operations. As the containerization trend continues to grow, Kubernetes is poised to play an even more significant role in the future of software development and deployment.


Summary: Hands On Kubernetes

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is a powerful container orchestration platform that has revolutionized modern applications’ deployment and management. Behind the scenes, Kubernetes consists of several key components, each playing a crucial role in its functioning. This blog post delved into these components, unraveling their purpose and interplay within the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Master Node

The Master Node serves as the brain of the Kubernetes cluster and is responsible for managing and coordinating all activities. It comprises several components, including the API server, controller manager, and etcd. The API server acts as the central hub for communication, while the controller manager ensures the desired state and performs actions accordingly. Etcd, a distributed key-value store, maintains the cluster’s configuration and state.

Worker Node

Worker Nodes are the workhorses of the Kubernetes cluster and are responsible for running applications packaged in containers. Each worker node hosts multiple pods, which encapsulate one or more containers. Key components found on worker nodes include the kubelet, kube-proxy, and container runtime. The kubelet interacts with the API server, ensuring that containers are up and running as intended. Kube-proxy facilitates network communication between pods and external resources. The container runtime, such as Docker or containerd, handles the execution and management of containers.


The Scheduler component is pivotal in determining where and when pods are scheduled to run across the worker nodes. It considers various factors such as resource availability, affinity, anti-affinity rules, and user-defined requirements. By intelligently distributing workloads, the scheduler optimizes resource utilization and maintains high availability.


Controllers are responsible for maintaining the system’s desired state and performing necessary actions to achieve it. Kubernetes offers a wide range of controllers, including the Replication Controller, ReplicaSet, Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet. These controllers ensure scalability, fault tolerance, and self-healing capabilities within the cluster.


Networking in Kubernetes is a complex subject, with multiple components working together to provide seamless communication between pods and external services. Key elements include the Container Network Interface (CNI), kube-proxy, and Ingress controllers. The CNI plugin enables container-to-container communication, while kube-proxy handles network routing and load balancing. Ingress controllers provide an entry point for external traffic and perform request routing based on defined rules.


In conclusion, understanding the various components of Kubernetes is essential for harnessing its full potential. The Master Node, Worker Node, Scheduler, Controllers, and Networking components work harmoniously to create a resilient, scalable, and highly available environment for containerized applications. By comprehending how these components interact, developers and administrators can optimize their Kubernetes deployments and unlock the true power of container orchestration.

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VMware NSX – Network and Security Virtualization

VMware NSX Security

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring robust network security has become more critical than ever. One effective solution that organizations are turning to is VMware NSX, a powerful software-defined networking (SDN) and security platform. This blog post explores the various aspects of VMware NSX security and how it can enhance network protection.

VMware NSX provides a comprehensive set of security features designed to tackle the modern cybersecurity challenges. It combines micro-segmentation, network virtualization, and advanced threat prevention to create a dynamic and secure networking environment.

Micro-segmentation for Enhanced Security: Micro-segmentation is a key feature of VMware NSX that allows organizations to divide their networks into smaller segments or zones. By implementing granular access controls, organizations can isolate and secure critical applications and data, limiting the potential damage in case of a security breach.

Network Virtualization and Agility: VMware NSX's network virtualization capabilities enable organizations to create virtual networks that are decoupled from the underlying physical infrastructure. This provides increased agility and flexibility while maintaining security. With network virtualization, organizations can easily spin up new networks, deploy security policies, and scale their infrastructure as needed.

dvanced Threat Prevention and Detection: VMware NSX incorporates advanced threat prevention and detection mechanisms to safeguard the network against evolving cyber threats. It leverages various security technologies such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), next-generation firewalls (NGFW), and virtual private networks (VPNs) to proactively identify and mitigate potential security risks.

Integration with Security Ecosystem: Another significant advantage of VMware NSX is its seamless integration with existing security ecosystem components. It can integrate with leading security solutions, such as antivirus software, security information and event management (SIEM) systems, and vulnerability scanners, to provide a holistic security posture.

In conclusion, VMware NSX offers a robust and comprehensive security solution for organizations looking to enhance their network security. Its unique combination of micro-segmentation, network virtualization, advanced threat prevention, and integration capabilities make it a powerful tool in the battle against cyber threats. By leveraging VMware NSX, organizations can achieve better visibility, control, and protection for their networks, ultimately ensuring a safer digital environment.

Highlights: VMware NSX Security

Thank Andreas Gautschi from VMware for giving me a 2-hour demonstration and brain dump about NSX. Initially, even as an immature product, SDN got massive hype in its first year. However, the ratio from slide to production deployments was minimal. It was getting a lot of publicity even though it was mostly an academic and PowerPoint reality.

Control of security from a central location

You need a bird’ s-eye view of your entire IT security landscape to make better decisions, learn, analyze, and respond quickly to live threats. Under the current methodology, it is much more important to isolate and respond to an attack within a short period.

In most scenarios, a hardware-based appliance firewall will be used as the perimeter firewall. Most implementations will be Palo Alto/Checkpoint or Cisco-based firewalls with firewall policies deployed on x86 commodity servers. Most of these appliances are controlled through a proprietary CLI command, and some newer models integrate IDS/IPS into the firewall, allowing for unified threat management.

Blocking a vulnerable port for an entire infrastructure is as easy as blocking a bridge. As an analogy, it would be similar to raising the drawbridge so that direct access to the castle is impossible.

zero trust

ZT and Microsegmentation

By implementing Zero Trust microsegmentation, all ingress/egress traffic hitting your virtual NIC cards will be compared against the firewall policies you configure. The packet will be dropped without a rule matching the specific traffic flow. All unrecognized traffic will be denied by default at the vNIC itself by a default deny rule. A positive security model uses whitelisting, where only things that are specifically allowed are accepted, and everything else is rejected.

The Role of SDN

Recently, the ratio has changed, and the concepts of SDN apply to different types of network security components meeting various requirements. SDN enables network virtualization with many companies, such as VMware NSX, Midokura, Juniper Contrail, and Nuage, offering network virtualization solutions. The following post generally discusses network virtualization but focuses more on the NSX functionality.  

micro segmentation technology

For additional pre-information, you may find the following helpful:

  1. WAN Virtualization
  2. Nexus 1000v
  3. Docker Security Options

Network Security Virtualization

Key VMware NSX Security Discussion points:

  • Introduction to VMware NSX Security, and where it can be used.

  • Discussion on Network Security Virtualization.

  • The role of containers and the changing workloads.

  • Distributed Firewalling and attack surface.

  •  Policy classification.

Back to basics with the Virtualization

Resource virtualization is crucial in fulfilling the required degree of adaptability. Therefore, we can perform Virtualization in many areas, including the Virtualization of servers, applications, storage devices, security appliances, and, not surprisingly, the network infrastructure. Server virtualization was the starting point for most of them.

Remember that security is a key driver and a building block behind the virtualized network. An essential component of a security policy is the definition of a network perimeter. Communications between the inside and the outside of the perimeter must occur through a checkpoint. With virtualization, this checkpoint can now be located in multiple network parts. Not just the traditional edge.

Key VMware NSX Points

1. Network Segmentation:

One of the fundamental aspects of VMware NSX Security is its ability to provide network segmentation. Organizations can create isolated environments for different applications and workloads by dividing the network into multiple virtual segments. This isolation helps prevent lateral movement of threats and limits the impact of a potential security breach.

2. Micro-segmentation:

With VMware NSX Security, organizations can implement micro-segmentation, which allows them to apply granular security policies to individual workloads within a virtualized environment. This level of control enables organizations to establish a zero-trust security model, where each workload is protected independently, reducing the attack surface and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

3. Distributed Firewall:

VMware NSX Security incorporates a distributed firewall that operates at the hypervisor level. Unlike traditional perimeter firewalls, which are typically centralized, the distributed firewall provides virtual machine-level security. This approach ensures that security policies are enforced regardless of the virtual machine’s location, providing consistent protection across the entire virtualized infrastructure.

4. Advanced Threat Prevention:

VMware NSX Security leverages advanced threat prevention techniques to detect and mitigate potential security threats. It incorporates intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), malware detection, and network traffic analysis. These capabilities enable organizations to proactively identify and respond to potential security incidents, reducing the risk of data breaches and system compromises.

5. Automation and Orchestration:

Automation and orchestration are integral components of VMware NSX Security. With automation, organizations can streamline security operations, reducing the probability of human errors and speeding up the response to security incidents. Orchestration allows for integrating security policies with other IT processes, enabling consistent and efficient security management.

6. Integration with Existing Security Solutions:

VMware NSX Security can seamlessly integrate with existing security solutions, such as threat intelligence platforms, security information and event management (SIEM) systems, and endpoint protection tools. This integration enhances an organization’s overall security posture by aggregating security data from various sources and providing a holistic view of the network’s security landscape.

Network Security Virtualization

The Role of Network Virtualization

Virtualization provides network services independent of the physical infrastructure in its simplest form. Traditional network services were tied to physical boxes, lacking elasticity and flexibility. This results in many technical challenges, including central chokepoints, hair pinning, traffic trombones, and the underutilization of network devices.

Network virtualization combats this and abstracts network services ( different firewalling such as context firewall, routing, etc.) into software, making it easier to treat the data center fabric as a pool of network services. When a service is put into the software, it gains elasticity and fluidity qualities that are not present with physical nodes. The physical underlay provides a connectivity model only concerned with endpoint connectivity.

The software layer on top of the physical world provides the abstraction for the workloads, offering excellent application continuity. Now, we can take two data centers and make them feel like one. You can help facilitate this connection by incorporating kubernetes software to help delegate when a service needs to be done correctly, keeping on top of workload traffic.

The Different Traffic Flows

All east and west traffic flows via the tunnels. VMware’s NSX optimizes local egress traffic so that traffic exits the right data center and does not need to flow via the data center interconnect to egress. We used hacks with HSRP localization or complicated protocols such as LISP to overcome outbound TE with traditional designs. 

The application has changed from the traditional client-server model, where you know how many hosts you run on top of. To an application that moves and scales on numerous physical nodes that may change. With network virtualization, we don’t need to know what physical Host the application is on, as all the computing, storage, and networking move with the application.

If application X moves to location X, all its related services move to location X, too. The network becomes a software abstract. Apps can have multiple tiers – front end, database, and storage with scale capabilities, automatically reacting to traffic volumes. It’s far more efficient to scale up docker containers with container schedules to meet traffic volumes than to deploy 100 physical servers, leaving them idle for half the year. If performance is not a vital issue, it makes sense to move everything to software.

VMware NSX Security: Changing Endpoints

The endpoints the network must support have changed. We now have container based virtualization, VMs, and mobile and physical devices. Networking is evolving, and it’s all about connecting all these heterogeneous endpoints that are becoming very disconnected from the physical infrastructure. Traditionally, a server is connected to the network with an Ethernet port.

Then, virtualization came along, offering the ability to architect new applications. Instead of single servers hosting single applications, multiple VMs host different applications on a single physical server. More recently, we saw the introduction of docker containers, spawning in as little as 350ms.

The Challenge with Traditional VM

Traditional VLANs cannot meet this type of fluidity as each endpoint type has different network requirements. The network must now support conventional physical servers, VMs, and Docker containers. All these stacks must cross each other and, more importantly, be properly secured in a multitenant environment.

Can traditional networking meet this? VMware NSX is a reasonably mature product offering virtualized network and security services that can secure various endpoints. 

Network endpoints have different trust levels. Administrators trust hypervisors more now, with only two VMware hypervisor attacks in the last few years. Unfortunately, the Linux kernel has numerous ways to attack it. Security depends on the attack surface, and an element with a large surface has more potential for exploitation. The Linux kernel has a large attack surface, while hypervisors have a small one.

The more options an attacker can exploit, the larger the attack surface. Containers run many workloads, so the attack surface is more extensive and varied. The virtual switch inside the container has a different trust level than a vswitch inside a hypervisor. Therefore, you must operate different security paradigms relating to containers than hypervisors. 

A key point: VMware NSX Security and Network Security Virtualization.

NSX provides isolation to all these endpoint types with microsegmentation. Microsegmentation allows you to apply security policy at a VM-NIC level. This offers the ability to protect east-west traffic and move policies with the workload.

This doesn’t mean that each VM NIC requires an individual configuration. NSX uses a distributed firewalls kernel module, and the hosts obtain the policy without individual config. Everything is controlled centrally but installed locally on each vSphere host. It scales horizontally, so you get more firewalls if you add more computing capacity.

All the policies are implemented in a distributed fashion, and the firewall is situated right in front of the VM in the hypervisor. So you can apply policy at a VM NIC level without hairpinning or trombone the traffic. Traffic doesn’t need to go across the data center to a central policy engine: offering optimum any to any traffic.

Even though the distributed firewall is a Kernel loadable module (KLM) of the ESXi Host, policy enforcement is at the VM’s vNIC. 

Network Security Virtualization: Policy Classification

A central selling point with NSX is that you get an NSX-distributed firewall. VMware operates with three styles of security:

  1. We have traditional network-focused 5-tuple matching.
  2. We then move up a layer with infrastructure-focused rules such as port groups, vCenter objects, etc.
  3. We have application-focused rule sets at a very high level, from the Web tier to the App tier permit TCP port 80.

Traditionally, we have used network-based rules, so the shift to application-based, while more efficient, will present the most barriers. People’s mindset needs to change. However, the real benefit of NSX comes from this type of endpoint labeling and security. Sometimes, more than a /8 is required!

What happens when you run out of /8? We start implementing kludges with NAT, etc. Security labeling has been based on IP addresses in the past, and we should start moving with tagging or other types of labeling.

IP addresses are just a way to get something from point A to point B, but if we can focus on different ways to class traffic, the IP address should be irrelevant to security classification. The less tied we are to IP addresses as a security mechanism, the better we will be.

With NSX, endpoints are managed based on high-level policy language that adequately describes the security function. IP is a terrible way to do this as it imposes hard limits on mobile VMs and reduces flexibility. The policy should be independent of IP address assignment.

Organizations must adopt robust and versatile security solutions in an era of constant cybersecurity threats. VMware NSX Security offers comprehensive features and capabilities that can significantly enhance network security. Organizations can build a robust security infrastructure that protects their data and infrastructure from evolving cyber threats by implementing network segmentation, micro-segmentation, a distributed firewall, advanced threat prevention, automation, and integration with existing security solutions. VMware NSX Security empowers organizations to take control of their network security and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their critical assets.


Summary: VMware NSX Security

In today’s digital landscape, network security plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the smooth functioning of organizations. One powerful solution that has gained significant traction is VMware NSX. This blog post explored the various aspects of VMware NSX security and how it enhances network protection.

Understanding VMware NSX

VMware NSX is a software-defined networking (SDN) and network virtualization platform that brings virtualization principles to the network infrastructure. It enables organizations to create virtual networks and implement security policies decoupled from physical network hardware. This virtualization layer provides agility, scalability, and advanced security capabilities.

Micro-Segmentation for Enhanced Security

One of the key features of VMware NSX is micro-segmentation. Traditional perimeter-based security approaches are no longer sufficient to protect against advanced threats. Micro-segmentation allows organizations to divide their networks into smaller, isolated segments, or “micro-segments,” based on various factors such as application, workload, or user. Each micro-segment can have its security policies, providing granular control and reducing the attack surface.

Distributed Firewall for Real-time Protection

VMware NSX incorporates a distributed firewall that operates at the hypervisor level, providing real-time protection for virtualized workloads and applications. Unlike traditional firewalls that operate at the network perimeter, the distributed firewall is distributed across all virtualized hosts, allowing for east-west traffic inspection. This approach enables organizations to promptly detect and respond to threats within their internal networks.

Integration with the Security Ecosystem

VMware NSX integrates seamlessly with a wide range of security solutions and services, enabling organizations to leverage their existing security investments. Integration with leading security vendors allows for the orchestration and automation of security policies across the entire infrastructure. This integration enhances visibility, simplifies management, and strengthens the overall security posture.

Advanced Threat Prevention and Detection

VMware NSX incorporates advanced threat prevention and detection capabilities through integration with security solutions such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) and security information and event management (SIEM) platforms. These capabilities enable organizations to proactively identify and mitigate potential threats, minimizing the risk of successful attacks.


VMware NSX provides a comprehensive and robust security framework that enhances network protection in today’s dynamic and evolving threat landscape. Its micro-segmentation capabilities, distributed firewall, integration with the security ecosystem, and advanced threat prevention and detection features make it a powerful solution for organizations seeking to bolster their security defenses. By adopting VMware NSX, organizations can achieve a higher level of network security, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their critical assets.

open vswitch

OVS Bridge and Open vSwitch (OVS) Basics


OVS bridge


Open vSwitch: What is OVS Bridge?

Open vSwitch (OVS) is an open-source multilayer virtual switch that provides a flexible and robust solution for network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN) environments. It’s versatility and extensive feature set make it an invaluable tool for network administrators and developers. In this blog post, we will explore the world of Open vSwitch, its key features, benefits, and use cases.

Open vSwitch is a software switch designed for virtualized environments, enabling efficient network virtualization and SDN. It operates at layer 2 (data link layer) and layer 3 (network layer), offering advanced networking capabilities that enhance performance, security, and scalability.


Highlights: Open vSwitch

  • Barriers to Network Innovation

There are many barriers to network innovation, which makes it difficult for outsiders to drive features and innovate. Until recently, technologies were largely proprietary and controlled by a few vendors. The lack of tools available limited network virtualization and network resource abstraction. Many new initiatives are now challenging this space, and the Open vSwitch project with the OVS bridge, managed by the Open Network Foundation (ONF), is one of them. The ONF is a non-profit organization that promotes adopting software-defined networking through open standards and open networking.

  • The Role of OVS Switch

Since its release, the OVS switch has gained popularity and is now the de-facto open standard cloud networking switch. It changes the network landscape and moves the network edge to the hypervisor. The hypervisor is the new edge of the network. It resolves the problem of network separation; cloud users can now be assigned VMs with flexible configurations. It brings new challenges to networking and security, some of which the OVS network can alleviate in conjunction with OVS rules.


For pre-information, before you proceed, you may find the following post of interest:

  1. Container Networking
  2. OpenStack Neutron
  3. OpenStack Neuron Security Groups
  4. Neutron Networks
  5. Neutron Network


Open vSwitch.

Key OVS Bridge Discussion Points:

  • Introduction to OVS Bridge and how it can be used.

  • Discussion on virtual network bridges and flow rules.

  • Discussion on how the Open vSwitch works and the components involved.

  • Highlighting Flow Forwarding.

  • Programming the OVS switch with OVS rules.

  • A final note on OpenFlow and the OVS Bridge.


Back to Basics With Open vSwitch

The virtual switch

A virtual switch is a software-defined networking (SDN) device that enables the connection of multiple virtual machines within a single physical host. It is a Layer 2 device that operates within the virtualized environment and provides the same functionalities as a physical switch.

Virtual switches can be used to improve the performance and scalability of the network and are often used in cloud computing and virtualized environments. Virtual switches provide several advantages over their physical counterparts, including flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. In addition, as virtual switches are software-defined, they can be easily configured and managed by administrators.

Virtual switches are software-based switches that reside in the hypervisor kernel providing local network connectivity between virtual machines (and now containers). They deliver functions like MAC learning and features like link aggregation, SPAN, and sFlow, just like their physical switch companions have been doing for years. While these virtual switches are often found in more comprehensive SDN and network virtualization solutions, they are a switch that happens to be running in software.

Virtual Switch
Diagram: Virtual Switch. Source Fujitsu.


Network virtualization

network virtualization can also enable organizations to improve their network performance by allowing them to create multiple isolated networks. This can be particularly helpful when an organization’s network is experiencing congestion due to multiple applications, users, or customers. By segmenting the network into multiple isolated networks, each network can be optimized for the specific needs of its users.

In summary, network virtualization is a powerful tool that can enable organizations to control better and manage their network resources while still providing the flexibility and performance needed to meet the demands of their users. Network virtualization can help organizations improve their networks’ security, privacy, scalability, and performance by allowing organizations to create multiple isolated networks.

Network Virtualization
Diagram: Network and Server virtualization. Source Parallels.


Highlighting the OVS bridge

Open vSwitch is an open-source software switch designed for virtualized environments. It provides a multi-layer virtual switch designed to enable network connectivity and communication between virtual machines running within a single host or across multiple hosts. In addition, open vSwitch fully complies with the OpenFlow protocol, allowing it to be integrated with other OpenFlow-compatible software components.

The software switch can also manage various virtual networking functions, including LANs, routing, and port mirroring. Open vSwitch is highly configurable and can construct complex virtual networks. It supports a variety of features, including support for multiple VLANs, support for network isolation, and support for dynamic port configurations. As a result, open vSwitch is a critical component of many virtualized environments, providing an essential and powerful tool for managing the network environment.


  • A simple flow-based switch

Open vSwitch originates from the academic labs from a project known as Ethan – SIGCOMM 2007. Ethan created a simple flow-based switch with a central controller. The central controller has end-to-end visibility, allowing policies to be applied to one place while affecting many data plane devices. In addition, central controllers make orchestrating the network much more accessible. SIGCOMM 2007 introduced the OpenFlow protocol – SIGCOMM CCR 2008 and the first Open vSwitch (OVS) release in early 2009.


Key Features of Open vSwitch:

Virtual Switching: Open vSwitch allows the creation of virtual switches, enabling network administrators to define and manage multiple isolated networks on a single physical machine. This feature is particularly useful in cloud computing environments, where virtual machines (VMs) require network connectivity.

Flow Control: Open vSwitch supports flow-based packet processing, allowing administrators to define rules to handle network traffic efficiently. This feature enables fine-grained control over network traffic, implementing Quality of Service (QoS) policies, and enhancing network performance.

Network Virtualization: Open vSwitch enables network virtualization by supporting network overlays such as VXLAN, GRE, and Geneve. This allows the creation of virtual networks that span physical infrastructure, simplifying network management and enabling seamless migration of virtual machines across different hosts.

SDN Integration: Open vSwitch seamlessly integrates with SDN controllers, such as OpenDaylight and OpenFlow, enabling centralized network management and programmability. This integration empowers administrators to automate network provisioning, optimize traffic routing, and implement dynamic policies.

Benefits of Open vSwitch:

Flexibility: Open vSwitch offers a wide range of features and APIs, providing flexibility to adapt to various network requirements. Its modular architecture allows administrators to customize and extend functionalities per their needs, making it highly versatile.

Scalability: Open vSwitch scales effortlessly as network demands grow, efficiently handling large virtual machines and network flows. Its distributed nature enables load balancing and fault tolerance, ensuring high availability and performance.

Cost-Effectiveness: Being an open-source solution, Open vSwitch eliminates the need for expensive proprietary hardware. This reduces costs and enables organizations to leverage the benefits of software-defined networking without a significant investment.

Use Cases:

Cloud Computing: Open vSwitch plays a crucial role in cloud computing environments, enabling network virtualization, multi-tenant isolation, and seamless VM migration. It facilitates the creation and management of virtual networks, enhancing the agility and efficiency of cloud infrastructure.

SDN Deployments: Open vSwitch integrates seamlessly with SDN controllers, making it an ideal choice for SDN deployments. It allows for centralized network management, dynamic policy enforcement, and programmability, enabling organizations to achieve greater control and flexibility over their networks.

Network Testing and Development: Open vSwitch provides a powerful tool for testing and development. Its extensive feature set and programmability allow developers to simulate complex network topologies, test network applications, and evaluate network performance under different conditions.


Open vSwitch (OVS)

The OVS bridge is a multilayer virtual switch implemented in software. It uses virtual network bridges and flows rules to forward packets between hosts. It behaves like a physical switch, only virtualized. Namespaces and instance tap interfaces connect to what is known as OVS bridge ports.

Like a traditional switch, OVS maintains information about connected devices, such as MAC addresses. In addition, it enhances the monolithic Linux Bridge plugin and includes overlay networking (GRE & VXLAN), providing multi-tenancy in cloud environments. 

open vswitch
Diagram: The Open vSwitch basic layout.


Programming the Open vSwitch and OVS rules

The OVS switch can also be integrated with hardware and serve as the control plane for switching silicon. Programming flow rules work differently in the OVS switch than in the standard Linux Bridge. The OVS plugin does not use VLANs to tag traffic. Instead, it programs OVS flow rules on the virtual switches that dictate how traffic should be manipulated before being forwarded to the exit interface. The OVS rules essentially determine how inbound and outbound traffic should be treated. 

OVS has two fail modes a) Standalone and b) Secure. Standalone is the default mode and acts as a learning switch. Secure mode relies on the controller element to insert flow rules. Therefore, the secure mode has a dependency on the controller.

OVS bridge
Diagram: OVS Bridge: Source OpenvSwitch.


Open vSwitch Flow Forwarding.

Kernel mode, known as “fast path” processing, is where it does the switching. If you relate this to hardware components on a physical device, the kernel mode will map to the ASIC. User mode is known as the “slow path.” If there is a new flow, the kernel doesn’t know about the user mode and is instructed to engage. Once the flow is active, the user mode should not be invoked. So you may take a hit the first time.

The first packet in a flow goes to the userspace ovs-vswitchd, and subsequent packets hit cached entries in the kernel. When the kernel module receives a packet, the cache is inspected to determine if there is a flow entry. The associated action is carried out on the packet if a corresponding flow entry is found in the cache.

This could be forwarding the packet or modifying its headers. If no cache entry is found, the packet is passed to the userspace ovs-vswitchd process for processing. Subsequent packets are processed in the kernel without userspace interaction. The processing speed of the OVS is now faster than the original Linux Bridge. It also has good support for mega flows and multithreading

OVS rules
Diagram: OVS rules and traffic flow.


OVS component architecture

There are several CLI tools to interface with the various components:

CLI Component

OVS Component

Ovs-vsctl manages the state 

in the ovsdb-server

Ovs-appctl sends commands

to the ovs-vswitchd

Ovs-dpctl is the

Kernal module configuration

ovs-ofctl work with the 

 OpenFlow protocols


what is OVS bridge
Diagram: What is OVS bridge? The components involved.


You may have an off-host component, such as the controller. It communicates and acts as a manager of a set of OVS components in a cluster. The controller has a global view and manages all the components. An example controller is OpenDaylight. OpenDaylight promotes the adoption of SDN and serves as a platform for Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

NFV virtualized network services instead of using physical function-specific hardware. A northbound interface exposes the network application and southbound interfaces interface with the OVS components. 

  • RYU provides a framework for SDN controllers and allows you to develop controllers. It is written in Python. It supports OpenFlow, Netconf, and OF-config.

There are many interfaces used to communicate across and between components. The database has a management protocol known as OVSDB, RFC 7047. OVS has a local database server on every physical host. It maintains the configuration of the virtual switches. Netlink communicates between user and kernel modes and between different userspace processes. It is used between ovs-vswitchd and openvswitch.ko and is designed to transfer miscellaneous networking information.


OpenFlow and the OVS bridge

OpenFlow can also be used to talk and program the OVS. The ovsdb-server interfaces with an external controller (if used) and the ovs-vswitchd interface. Its purpose is to store information for the switches. Its state is persistent.

The central CLI tool is ovs-vsctlThe ovs-vswitchd interface with an external controller, kernel via Netlink, and the ovsdb server. Its purpose is to manage multiple bridges and is involved in the data path. It’s a core system component for the OVS. Two CLI tools ovs-ofctl and ovs-appctl are used to interface with this.


Linux containers and networking

OVS can make use of Linux and Docker containers. Containers provide a layer of isolation that reduces communication in humans. They make it easy to build out example scenarios. Starting a container takes milliseconds compared to the minutes of a virtual machine.

Deploying container images is much faster if less data needs to travel across the fabric. Elastic applications with frequent state changes and dynamic resource allocation can be built more efficiently with containers. 

Linux and Docker containers represent a fundamental shift in how we consume and manage applications. Libvirt is a tool used to make use of containers. It’s a virtualization application for Linux. Linux containers involve process isolation in Linux, so instead of running an entire-blown VM, you can do a container, but you share the same kernel but are entirely isolated.

Each container has its view of networking and processes. Containers isolate instances without the overhead of a VM. A lightweight way of doing things on a host and builds on the mechanism in the kernel.


Source versus package install

There are two paths for installation, a) Source code and b) Package installation based on your Linux distribution. The source code install is primarily used if you are a developer and is helpful if you are trying to make an extension or focusing on hardware component integration; before accessing the Repo-install, any build dependencies, such as git, autoconf, and libtool.

Then you pull the image from GitHub with the “clone” command. <git clone>. Running from source code is a lot more difficult than installing through distribution. All the dependencies will be done for you when you install from packages. 


Open vSwitch is a feature-rich and highly flexible virtual switch that empowers network administrators and developers to build efficient and scalable networks. Its support for network virtualization, flow control, and SDN integration makes it a valuable tool in cloud computing environments, SDN deployments, and network testing and development. By leveraging Open vSwitch, organizations can unlock the full potential of network virtualization and software-defined networking, enhancing their network capabilities and driving innovation in the digital era.


open vswitch




In today's fast-paced world, where cloud computing and virtualization have become the norm, the need for efficient and flexible networking solutions has never been greater. OpenContrail, an open-source software-defined networking (SDN) solution, has emerged as a powerful tool. This blog post explores the capabilities, benefits, and significance of OpenContrail in revolutionizing network management and delivering enhanced connectivity in the cloud era.

OpenContrail, initially developed by Juniper Networks, is an open-source SDN platform offering comprehensive network capabilities for cloud environments. It provides a scalable and flexible network infrastructure that enables automation, network virtualization, and secure multi-tenancy across distributed cloud deployments.

OpenContrail, an open-source network virtualization platform, is designed to simplify the management and orchestration of virtual networks. Built on well-established technologies such as OpenStack and SDN, it provides a comprehensive set of tools and APIs to create and manage virtualized network services. With OpenContrail, organizations can achieve greater scalability, security, and performance while reducing operational complexities.

1. Virtual Network Overlays: OpenContrail leverages virtual network overlays to create isolated and secure network segments, allowing for seamless multi-tenancy and network segmentation.

2. Network Policy and Security: It offers fine-grained network policies to control traffic flow, implement access control, and enforce security measures at the virtual network level.

3. Analytics and Monitoring: OpenContrail provides advanced analytics and monitoring capabilities, allowing administrators to gain insights into network performance, troubleshoot issues, and optimize resource allocation.

1. Cloud Service Providers: OpenContrail empowers cloud service providers to deliver scalable and secure network services to their customers. It enables seamless provisioning of virtual networks, ensuring high-performance connectivity and efficient resource utilization.

2. Enterprise Networks: Enterprises can leverage OpenContrail to build agile and flexible network infrastructures. It simplifies network management, enables seamless integration with existing infrastructure, and provides enhanced security measures.

3. Internet of Things (IoT): With the proliferation of IoT devices, OpenContrail offers a robust solution for managing and securing large-scale IoT deployments. It enables efficient communication between devices, ensures data privacy, and provides centralized control over IoT network resources.

Conclusion: OpenContrail proves to be a groundbreaking solution in the realm of network virtualization. Its feature-rich architecture, open-source nature, and diverse real-world applications make it an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to optimize network performance, enhance security, and embrace the future of virtualized networks.

Highlights: OpenContrail

OpenContrail is an open-source network virtualization platform that enables the creation of virtual networks overlaying physical infrastructure. It provides a scalable and flexible solution for managing network resources, improving security, and enhancing overall network performance. By decoupling the network control plane from the data plane, OpenContrail brings a new level of agility and efficiency to network operations.

1. Virtual Network Creation: OpenContrail allows the creation of virtual networks, each with its own isolated environment, policies, and routing tables. This enables organizations to achieve multi-tenancy and securely isolate their applications and workloads.

2. Network Automation and Orchestration: With OpenContrail, network provisioning and management become automated and orchestrated. This reduces manual configuration efforts and brings more consistency and reliability to network operations.

3. Enhanced Security: OpenContrail provides advanced security features such as micro-segmentation, distributed firewalling, and traffic isolation. These capabilities ensure that applications and data remain protected and isolated, even in complex and dynamic network environments.

Understanding OpenContrail componentns

Controller Node: At the heart of OpenContrail lies the Controller Node, which acts as the brain of the network. It is responsible for managing and orchestrating all the network services, including configuration, control, and analytics. Through its intuitive and user-friendly interface, network administrators can easily define and enforce policies, monitor network performance, and troubleshoot issues.

vRouter: The vRouter, short for virtual router, is a critical component of OpenContrail that ensures efficient packet forwarding within the network. By combining the power of virtualization and routing, the vRouter enables seamless communication between virtual machines and physical hosts. It provides advanced networking capabilities, such as firewalling, NAT, and VPN, while ensuring high performance and scalability.

Analytics Node: To gain valuable insights into network behavior and performance, OpenContrail incorporates an Analytics Node. This component collects and analyzes network data, generating comprehensive reports and metrics. Network operators can leverage this information to optimize network utilization, identify bottlenecks, and proactively address potential issues. The Analytics Node plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the entire network infrastructure.

Web User Interface

OpenContrail offers a user-friendly Web User Interface (UI) that simplifies network management and configuration. With its intuitive design and powerful functionalities, network administrators can easily define network topologies, set up policies, and monitor network performance in real time. The Web UI provides a centralized platform for managing the entire network infrastructure, making deploying, scaling, and maintaining OpenContrail deployments easier.

The traditional network vs. SDN network

In a traditional network, each switch/router must be programmed individually because applications are loaded. These applications could include a load balancer, intrusion detection, monitoring, or Voice over IP (VoIP). Based on local logic, each switch/router decides where to route packets as traffic flows through the network. Changing applications or flows in this network requires systematically programming each switch/router.

A traditional network includes both a control plane and a forwarding plane. There are also applications loaded on each device, which must be configured separately.

In an SDN network, a switch/router is not connected to any applications or intelligence. By centralized control of all devices, the network becomes programmable. A controller interfaces with applications, which are then executed across a network. Traffic flows are now supervised by a centralized controller that distributes and manages a flow table for each switch/router. Several factors can be used to define very flexible flow tables.

The flow table also collects statistics, which are fed up to the controller. This improves both visibility and control of the network because issues are immediately reported to the controller, which, in turn, can make immediate adjustments across the entire network.

The role of The VM

Virtual machines have been around for a long time, but we are beginning to spread our computing workloads in several ways. When you throw in docker containers and bare metal servers, networking becomes more interesting. Network challenges arise when all these components require communication within the same subnet, access to Internet gateways, and Layer 3 MPLS/VPNs.

As a result, data center networks are moving towards IP underlay fabrics and Layer 2 overlays. Layer 3 data plane forwarding utilizes efficient Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP), but we lack Layer 2 multipathing by default. Now, similar to an SD WAN overlay approach, we can connect dispersed layer 2 segments and leverage all the good features of the IP underlay. To provide Layer 2 overlays and network virtualization, Juniper has introduced an SDN platform called Junipers OpenContrail in direct competition with


For additional pre-information, you may find the following post of use.

  1. ACI Cisco
  2. Network Traffic Engineering
  3. Spine Leaf Architecture
  4. IP Forwarding
  5. SDN Data Center
  6. Network Overlays
  7. Application Traffic Steering
  8. What is BGP Protocol in Networking

MPLS Overlay

Key OpenContrail Discussion Points:

  • Introduction to the OpenContrail solution and what is involved.

  • Highlighting data center networks and ECMP.

  • Critical points on network virtualization.

  • Technical details on the virtual overlay network.

  • Technical details virtual network implementation.

  • Layer 2 VPN and EVPN.

Back to Basics with OpenContrail

Key Features and Benefits:

Network Virtualization:

OpenContrail leverages network virtualization techniques to provide isolated virtual networks within a shared physical infrastructure. It offers a logical abstraction layer, enabling the creation of virtual networks that operate independently, complete with their own routing, security, and quality of service policies. This approach allows for the efficient utilization of resources, simplified network management, and improved scalability.

Secure Multi-Tenancy:

OpenContrail’s security features ensure tenants’ data and applications remain isolated and protected from unauthorized access. It employs micro-segmentation to enforce strict access control policies at the virtual machine level, reducing the risk of lateral movement within the network. Additionally, OpenContrail integrates with existing security solutions, enabling the implementation of comprehensive security measures.

Intelligent Automation:

OpenContrail automates various network provisioning, configuration, and management tasks, reducing manual intervention and minimizing human errors. Its programmable API and centralized control plane simplify the deployment of complex network topologies, accelerate service delivery, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Scalability and Flexibility:

OpenContrail’s architecture is designed to scale seamlessly, supporting distributed cloud deployments across multiple locations. It offers a highly flexible solution that can adapt to changing network requirements, allowing administrators to dynamically allocate resources, establish new connectivity, and respond to evolving business needs.

OpenContrail in Practice:

OpenContrail has gained significant traction among cloud providers, service providers, and enterprises seeking to build robust, scalable, and secure networks. Its open-source nature has facilitated its adoption, encouraging collaboration, innovation, and customization. OpenContrail’s community-driven development model ensures continuous improvement and the availability of new features and enhancements.

Diagram: OpenContrail.

Highlighting Junipers OpenContrail

OpenContrail is an open-source network virtualization platform. The commercial controller and open-source product are identical; they share the same checksum on the binary image. Maintenance and support are the only difference. Juniper decided to open source to fit into the open ecosystem, which wouldn’t have worked in a closed environment.

OpenContrail offers features similar to VMware NSX, can apply service chaining and high-level security policies, and provides connections to Layer 3 VPNs for WAN integration. OpenContrail works with any hardware, but integration with Juniper’s product sets offers additional rich analytics for the underlay network.

Underlay and overlay network visibility are essential for troubleshooting. You need to look further than the first header of the packet; you need to look deeper into the tunnel to understand what is happening entirely. 

Network virtualization – Isolated networks

With a cloud architecture, network virtualization gives the illusion that each tenant has a separate isolated network. Virtual networks are independent of physical network location or state, and nodes within the physical underlay can fail without disrupting the overlay tenant. A tenant may be a customer or department, depending if it’s a public or private cloud.

The virtual network sits on top of a physical network, the same way the compute virtual machines sit on top of a physical server. Virtual networks are not created with VLANs; Contrail uses a virtual overlay network system for multi-tenancy and cross-tenant communication. Many problems exist with large-scale VLAN deployments for multi-tenancy in today’s networks.

They introduce a lot of states in the physical network, and the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) also introduces well-documented problems. There are technologies (THRILL, SPB) to overcome these challenges, but they add complexity to the design of the network.

Service Chaining

Customers require the ability to apply policy at virtual network boundaries. Policies may include ACL and stateless firewalls provided within the virtual switch. However, once you require complicated policy pieces between virtual networks, you need a more sophisticated version of policy control and orchestration called service chaining. Service chaining applies intelligent services between traffic from one tenant to another.

For example, if a customer requires content caching and stateful services, you must introduce additional service appliances and force next-hop traffic through these appliances. Once you deploy a virtual appliance, you need a scale-out architecture.

The ability to Scale-out

Scale-out is the ability to instantiate multiple physical and virtual machine instances and load balance traffic across them. Customers may also require the ability to connect with different tenants in dispersed geographic locations or to workloads in a remote private cloud or public cloud. Usually, people build a private cloud for the norm and then burst into a public cloud. 

Juniper has implemented a virtual networking architecture that meets these requirements. It is based on well-known technology, MPLS/layer 3 VPN. MPLS/layer 3 VPN is the base for Juniper designs.

MPLS Overlay

Junipers OpenContrail: Virtual Network Implementation 

MPLS Overlay

The SDN controller is responsible for the networking aspects of virtualization. When creating virtual networks, initiate the Northbound API and issue an instruction that attaches the VM to the VN. The network responsibilities are delegated from Cloudstack or OpenStack to Contrail. The Contrail SDN controller automatically creates the overlay tunnel between virtual machines. The overlay can be either an MPLS overlay style with MPLS-over-GREMPLS-over-UDP, or VXLAN

  • L3VPN for routed traffic and EVPN for bridged traffic

Juniper’s OpenContrail is still a pure MPLS overlay of MPLS/VPN, using L3VPN for routed traffic and EVPN for bridged traffic. Traffic forwarding between end nodes has one MPLS label (VPN label), but they use various encapsulation methods to carry labeled traffic across the IP fabric. As mentioned above, this includes MPLS-over-GRE – a traditional encapsulation mechanism, MPLS-over-UDP – a variation of MPLS-over-GRE that replaces the GRE headers with UDP headers. MPLS-over-VXLAN uses VXLAN packet format but stores the MPLS label in the Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) field.

The forwarding plane

The forwarding plane takes the packet from the VM and gives it to the “Vrouter,” which does a lookup and determines if the destination is a remote network. If it is, it encapsulates the packet and sends it across the tunnel. The underlay that sites between the workloads forward is based on tunnel source and destination only.

No state belongs to end hosts ‘VMs, MAC addresses, or IPs. This type of architecture gives the Core a cleaner and more precise role. Generally, as a best practice, keeping “state” in the Core is a lousy design principle.

Northbound and southbound interfaces

To implement policy and service chaining, use the Northbound Interface and express your policy at a high level. For example, you may require HTTP or NAT and force traffic via load balancers or virtual firewalls. Contrail does this automatically and issues instructions to the Vrouter, forcing traffic to the correct virtual appliance. In addition, it can create all the suitable routes and tunnels, causing traffic through the proper sequence of virtual machines.

Contrail achieves this automatically with southbound protocols, such as XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) or BGP. XMPP is a communications protocol based on XML (Extensible Markup Language).

WAN Integration

Junipers OpenContrail can connect virtual networks to external Layer 3 MPLS VPN for WAN integration. In addition, they gave the controller the ability to peer BGP to gateway routers. For the data plane, they support MPLS-over-GRE, and for the control plane, they speak MP-BGP.

Contrail communicates directly with PE routers, exchanging VPNv4 routes with MP-BGP and using MPLS-over-GRE encapsulation to pass IP traffic between hypervisor hosts and PE routers. Using standards-based protocols lets you choose any hardware appliance as the gateway node.

mpls overaly

This data and control plane makes integration to an MPLS/VPN backbone a simple task. First, MP-BGP between the controllers and PE-routers should be established. Inter-AS Option B next hop self-approach should be used to demonstrate some demarcation points.

OpenContrail has emerged as a game-changer in software-defined networking, empowering organizations to build agile, secure, and scalable networks in the cloud era. With its advanced features, such as network virtualization, secure multi-tenancy, intelligent automation, and scalability, OpenContrail offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the complex networking challenges of modern cloud environments. As the demand for efficient and flexible network management continues to rise, OpenContrail provides a compelling option for organizations looking to optimize their network infrastructure and unlock the full potential of the cloud.

Summary: OpenContrail

OpenContrail is a powerful open-source software-defined networking (SDN) solution revolutionizing network management and connectivity. In this blog post, we will explore its key features, benefits, and use cases and showcase how it empowers organizations to build robust and scalable networks.

Understanding OpenContrail

OpenContrail, developed by Juniper Networks, is an open-source SDN controller that provides network virtualization and automation capabilities. It is a single control point for managing and orchestrating network resources, enabling organizations to simplify network operations and enhance flexibility. By decoupling the network control plane from the underlying physical infrastructure, OpenContrail brings agility and scalability to modern networks.

Key Features of OpenContrail

OpenContrail offers a wide range of features, making it a preferred choice for network administrators. Some notable features include:

1. Virtual Network Overlay: OpenContrail creates virtual network overlays, allowing multiple virtual networks to coexist on a shared physical infrastructure. This isolation ensures enhanced security and enables efficient resource utilization.

2. Policy-Driven Automation: With policy-driven automation, network administrators can define and enforce network policies and access controls across the infrastructure. OpenContrail simplifies the management and enforcement of complex policies, reducing operational overhead.

3. Analytics and Monitoring: OpenContrail provides extensive analytics and monitoring capabilities, offering real-time insights into network traffic, performance, and security. These insights help administrators optimize network resources and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Use Cases of OpenContrail

OpenContrail finds applications in various use cases across industries. Some prominent use cases include:

1. Cloud Infrastructure: OpenContrail enables cloud service providers to build and manage scalable and secure cloud infrastructures. It facilitates seamless integration with popular cloud platforms and offers rich networking capabilities.

2. Data Centers: OpenContrail simplifies network management in data center environments. It provides dynamic workload placement, automated provisioning, and seamless connectivity between virtual machines and containers, ensuring efficient resource utilization.

3. Multi-Cloud Networking: OpenContrail supports multi-cloud networking, allowing organizations to connect and manage multiple cloud environments securely. It provides seamless connectivity, consistent policies, and centralized control across cloud providers.


OpenContrail presents a game-changing solution for organizations seeking to enhance their networking capabilities. With its rich feature set, including virtual network overlays, policy-driven automation, and advanced analytics, OpenContrail empowers organizations to build scalable, secure, and agile networks. Whether it’s cloud infrastructure, data centers, or multi-cloud networking, OpenContrail is a reliable and versatile SDN solution.