Tech Brief Video Series – Enterprise Networking


I have created an “Enterprise Networking Tech Brief” Series. Kindly click on the link to view the video. I’m trying out a few videos styles.

Enterprise Networking A –  LISP Components & DEMO – >

Enterprise Networking B – SD-Access & Intent-based networking – >

” In campus networking, there are a number of different trends that are impacting the way networks will be built in the future. Mobility, pretty much every user that is getting onto the campus is a mobile device. It used to be only company-owned devices, nows it is about BYOD and wearables. It is believed that the average user will bring about 2.7 devices to the workplace – a watch, and intelligent wearables. This aspect access to printers or collaboration systems. They also expect the same type of access to cloud workloads and application workloads in private DC. 

All this to be seamless across all devices. Iot – the corporate IoT within a campus network-connected light, card readers, all the things you would like to find in an office building. How do you make sure these cannot compromise your networks. Every attack we have seen in 12 – 19 has involved an insecure IoT device that is not managed or produced by I.T., In some cases, this IoT Device has access to the Internet, and the company network cause issues with malware and hacks. The source from Matt Conran Network World

Enterprise Networking CHands-on configuration for LISP introduction – >

Enterprise Networking DIntroducing load balancing – >

” Load balancers operate at different Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) Layers from one data center to another; common operation is between Layer 4 and Layer 7. This is because each data centers hosts-unique applications with different requirements. Every application is unique with respect to the number of sockets, TCP connections ( short-lived or long-lived ), idle time-out, and activities in each session in terms of packets per second. One of the most important elements of designing a load-balancing solution is to understand fully the application structure and protocols”

Enterprise Networking E –  Hand-on configuration for LISP Debugging – >

Enterprise Networking FTypes of load balancing – >

“Application-Level Load Balancing: Load balancing is implemented between tiers in the applications stack and is carried out within the application. Used in scenarios where applications are coded correctly making it possible to configure load balancing in the application. Designers can use open source tools with DNS or some other method to track flows between tiers of the application stack. Network-Level Load Balancing: Network-level load balancing includes DNS round-robin, Anycast, and L4 – L7 load balancers. Web browser clients do not usually have built-in application layer redundancy, which pushes designers to look at the network layer for load balancing services. If applications were designed correctly, load balancing would not be a network-layer function.”

Enterprise Networking HIntroducing application performance and buffer sizes – >

“Today’s data centers have a mixture of applications and workloads all with different consistency requirements. Some applications require predictable latency while others sustained throughput. It’s usually the case that the slowest flow is the ultimate determining factor affecting the end-to-end performance. So to try to satisfy varied conditions and achieve predictable application performance we must focus on consistent bandwidth and unified latency for ALL flows types and workloads.”

Enterprise Networking IApplication performance: small vs large buffer sizes – >

“Both small and large buffer sizes have different effects on application flow types. Some sources claim that small buffers sizes optimize performance, while other claims that larger buffers are better. Many of the web giants including Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft use small buffer switches. It depends on your environment. Understanding your application traffic pattern and testing optimizations techniques are essential to finding the sweet spot. Most out-of-the-box applications are not going to be fine-tuned for your environment, and the only rule of thumb is to lab test.

Complications arise when the congestion control behavior of TCP interacts with the network device buffer. The two have different purposes. TCP congestion control continuously monitors available network bandwidth by using packet drops as the metric. On the other hand buffering is used to avoid packet loss. In a congestion scenario, the TCP is buffered, but the sender and receiver have no way of knowing that there is congestion and the TCP congestion behavior is never initiated. So the two mechanisms that are used to improve application performance don’t compliment each other and require careful testing for your environment.”

Enterprise Networking J – TCP Congestion Control – >

“The discrepancy and uneven bandwidth allocation for flow boil down to the natural behavior of how TCP reacts and interacts with insufficient packet buffers and the resulting packet drops. The behavior is known as the TCP/IP bandwidth capture effect. The TCP/IP bandwidth capture effect does not affect the overall bandwidth but more individual Query Completion Times and Flow Completion Times (FCT) for applications. The QCT and FCT are prime metrics for measuring TCP-based application performance. A TCP stream’s pace of transmission is based on a built-in feedback mechanism. The ACK packets from the receiver adjust the sender’s bandwidth to match the available network bandwidth. With each ACK received, the sender’s TCP starts to incrementally increase the pace of sending packets to use all available bandwidth. On the other hand, it takes 3 duplicate ACK messages for TCP to conclude packet loss on the connection and start the process of retransmission.”

Enterprise Networking K – Mice and Elephant flows – >

” There are two types of flows in data center environments. We have a large, elephant and smaller mice flow. Elephant flows might only represent a low proportion of the number of flows but consume most of the total data volume. Mice flows are, for example, control and alarm/control messages and usually pretty significant. As a result, they should be given priority over larger elephant flows, but this is sometimes not the case with simple buffer types that don’t distinguish between flow types. Priority can be given by somehow regulating the elephant flows with intelligent switch buffers. Mice flows are often bursty flows where one query is sent to many servers. This results in many small queries getting sent back to the single originating host. These messages are often small only requiring 3 to 5 TCP packets. As a result, the TCP congestion control mechanism may not even be evoked as the congestion mechanisms take 3 duplicate ACK messages. Due to the size of elephant flows they will invoke the TCP congestion control mechanism (mice flows don’t as they are too small).

Enterprise Networking LMultipath TCP – >

“Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) applications offer reliable byte stream with congestion control mechanisms adjusting flows to current network load. Designed in the 70s, TCP is the most widely used protocol and remains largely unchanged, unlike the networks it operates within. Back in those days the designers understood there could be link failure and decided to decouple the network layer (IP) from the transport layer (TCP). This enables the routing with IP around link failures without breaking the end-to-end TCP connection. Dynamic routing protocols do this automatically without the need for transport layer knowledge. Even Though it has wide adoption, it does not fully align with the multipath characteristics of today’s networks. TCP’s main drawback is that it’s a single path per connection protocol. A single path means once the stream is placed on a path ( endpoints of the connection) it can not be moved to another path even though multiple paths may exist between peers. This characteristic is suboptimal as the majority of today’s networks, and end hosts have multipath characteristics for better performance and robustness.”

Enterprise Networking MMultipath TCP use cases – >

“Multipath TCP is particularly useful in the multipath data center and mobile phone environments. All mobiles allow you to connect via WiFi and a 3G network. MPTCP enables either the combined throughput and the switching of interfaces ( Wifi / 3G ) without disrupting the end-to-end TCP connection. For example, if you are currently on a 3G network with an active TCP stream, the TCP stream is bound to that interface. If you want to move to the Wifi network you need to reset the connection and all ongoing TCP connections will, therefore, get reset. With MPTCP the swapping of interfaces is transparent. Next-generation leaf and spine data center networks are built with Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP). Within the data center, any two endpoints are equidistant. For one endpoint to communicate to another, a TCP flow is placed on a single link, not spread over multiple links. As a result, single-path TCP collisions may occur, reducing the throughput available to that flow. This is commonly seen for large flows and not small mice flow.”

Enterprise Networking N – > Multipath TCP connection setup – >

“The aim of the connection is to have a single TCP connection with many subflows. The two endpoints using MPTCP are synchronized and have connection identifiers for each of the subflows. MPTCP starts the same as regular TCP. If additional paths are available additional TCP subflow sessions are combined into the existing TCP session. The original TCP session and other subflow sessions appear as one to the application, and the main Multipath TCP connection seems like a regular TCP connection. The identification of additional paths boils down to the number of IP addresses on the hosts. The TCP handshake starts as normal, but within the first SYN, there is a new MP_CAPABLE option ( value 0x0 ) and a unique connection identifier. This allows the client to indicate they want to do MPTCP. At this stage, the application layer just creates a standard TCP socket with additional variables indicating that it wants to do MPTCP. If the receiving server end is MP_CAPABLE it will reply with the SYN/ACK MP_CAPABLE along with its connection identifier. Once the connection is agreed the client and server will set upstate. Inside the kernel, this creates a Meta socket acting as the layer between the application and all the TCP subflows.”

More Videos to come!

Additional Enterprise Networking information can be found at the following:

Packet loss as a binary code 3D illustration

Dropped Packet Test

Dropped Packet Test

In the world of networking, maintaining optimal performance is crucial. One of the key challenges that network administrators face is identifying and addressing packet loss issues. Dropped packets can lead to significant disruptions, sluggish connectivity, and even compromised data integrity. To shed light on this matter, we delve into the dropped packet test—a powerful tool for diagnosing and improving network performance.

Packet loss occurs when data packets traveling across a network fail to reach their destination. This can happen due to various reasons, including network congestion, faulty hardware, or software glitches. Regardless of the cause, packet loss can have detrimental effects on network reliability and user experience.

The dropped packet test is a method used to measure the rate of packet loss in a network. It involves sending a series of test packets from a source to a destination and monitoring the percentage of packets that fail to reach their intended endpoint. This test provides valuable insights into the health of a network and helps identify areas that require attention.

To perform a dropped packet test, network administrators can utilize specialized network diagnostic tools or command-line utilities. These tools allow them to generate test packets and analyze the results. By configuring parameters such as packet size, frequency, and destination, administrators can simulate real-world network conditions and assess the impact on packet loss.

Once the dropped packet test is complete, administrators need to interpret the results accurately. A high packet loss percentage indicates potential issues that require investigation. It is crucial to analyze the test data in conjunction with other network performance metrics to pinpoint the root cause of packet loss and devise effective solutions.

To address packet loss, network administrators can employ a range of strategies. These may include optimizing network infrastructure, upgrading hardware components, fine-tuning routing configurations, or implementing traffic prioritization techniques. The insights gained from the dropped packet test serve as a foundation for implementing targeted solutions and improving overall network performance.

Highlights: Dropped Packet Test

Testing For Packet Loss

How to test for packet loss on a network? The following post provides information on testing packet loss and network packet loss test. Today’s data center performance has to factor in various applications and workloads with different consistency requirements.

Understanding what is best per application/workload requires a dropped packet test from different network parts. Some applications require predictable latency, while others sustain throughput. It’s usually the case that the slowest flow is the ultimate determining factor affecting the end-to-end performance.

Consistent Bandwidth

We must focus on consistent bandwidth and unified latency for ALL flow types and workloads to satisfy varied conditions and achieve predictable application performance for a low latency network design. Poor performance is due to many factors that can be controlled. 

Start With A Baseline

So, at the start, you must find the baseline and work from there. Baseline engineering is a critical approach to determining the definitive performance of software and hardware. Once you have a baseline, you can work from there, testing packet loss.

Depending on your environment, such tests may include chaos engineering kubernetes, which intentionally brake systems in a controlled environment to learn and optimize performance. To fully understand a system or service, you must deliberately break it. An example of some Chaos engineering tests include:

Chaos Engineering

Example – Chaos Engineering:

  • Simulating the failure of a micro-component and dependency.
  • Simulating a high CPU load and sudden increase in traffic.
  • Simulating failure of the entire AZ ( Availability Zone ) or region.
  • Injecting latency and byzantine failures in services.

Related: Before you proceed, you may find the following helpful:

  1. Multipath TCP
  2. BGP FlowSpec
  3. SASE Visibility
  4. TCP Optimization Mobile Networks
  5. Cisco Umbrella CASB
  6. IPv6 Attacks

Back to Basics: Dropped Packet Test

Reasons for packet loss

Packet loss can occur for several reasons and describes lost packets of data not reaching their destination after being transmitted across a network. Packet loss occurs when network congestion, hardware issues, software bugs, and other factors cause dropped packets during data transmission.

The best way to measure packet loss using ping is to send a series of pings to the destination and look for failed responses. For instance, if you ping something 50 times and get only 49 ICMP replies, you can estimate packet loss at roughly 2%. There is no specific value of what would be a concern. It depends on the application. For example, voice applications are susceptible to latency and loss, but other web-based applications have a lot of tolerance.

However, if I were going to put my finger in the air with some packet loss guidelines, generally, a packet loss rate of 1 to 2.5 percent is acceptable. This is because packet loss rates are typically higher with WiFi networks than with wired systems.

OSI Model and testing

The role of QoS

At this stage, you can look at Quality of Service (QoS), which has different types of application segmentation into other queues. A recommendation would be to put voice traffic into a priority queue. Keep in mind many web browsers cache. This will alleviate some of the performance problems on the Internet for static content that can be cached.

QoS classification

1st Lab Guide: RSVP

RSVP, which stands for Resource Reservation Protocol, is a QoS mechanism that enables network devices to reserve and allocate network resources for specific applications or services. It provides a way to prioritize traffic and ensure critical data flows smoothly through the network, minimizing delays and congestion.

  1. First, we need to enable RSVP on all interfaces: ip rsvp bandwidth 128 64
  2. Then, configure R1 to act like an RSVP host so it will send an RSVP send path message:
  3. Finally. Configure R4 to respond to this reservation:
Resource Reservation
Diagram: Resource Reservation

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Traffic Prioritization: RSVP QoS allows for the classification and prioritization of network traffic based on predefined rules. This ensures that time-sensitive applications, such as real-time video conferencing or Voice over IP (VoIP) calls, receive the necessary bandwidth and minimal latency, resulting in a smoother user experience.

2. Bandwidth Reservation: By reserving a certain amount of network bandwidth for specific applications or services, RSVP QoS prevents network congestion and ensures that critical data packets have a guaranteed path through the network. This is particularly important in scenarios where large file transfers or data-intensive applications are involved.

3. Quality of Experience (QoE) Improvement: RSVP QoS helps improve the overall quality of user experience by reducing packet loss, jitter, and latency. It prioritizes time-sensitive traffic and ensures a reliable network connection, enabling seamless audio and video streaming, fast file downloads, and responsive online gaming.

Significance of Dropped Packet Test:

1. Identifying Network Issues: By intentionally dropping packets, network administrators can identify potential bottlenecks, congestion, or misconfigurations in the network infrastructure. This test helps pinpoint the specific areas where packet loss occurs, enabling targeted troubleshooting and optimization.

2. Evaluating Network Performance: The Dropped Packet Test provides valuable insights into the network’s performance by measuring the packet loss rate. Network administrators can use this information to analyze the impact of packet loss on application performance, user experience, and overall network efficiency.

3. Testing Network Resilience: By intentionally creating packet loss scenarios, network administrators can assess the resilience of their network infrastructure. This test helps determine if the network can handle packet loss without significant degradation and whether backup mechanisms, such as redundant links or failover systems, function as intended.

Implementing the Dropped Packet Test:

Network administrators utilize specialized tools or software to conduct the Dropped Packet Test. These tools generate artificial packet loss by dropping a certain percentage of packets during data transmission. The test can be performed on specific network segments, individual devices, or the entire network infrastructure.

Best Practices for Dropped Packet Testing:

1. Define Test Parameters: Before conducting the test, it is crucial to define the desired packet loss rate, test duration, and the specific network segments or devices to be tested. Having clear objectives ensures that the test yields accurate and actionable results.

2. Conduct Regular Testing: Regularly performing the Dropped Packet Test allows network administrators to proactively detect and resolve network issues before they impact critical operations. It also helps in monitoring the effectiveness of implemented solutions over time.

3. Analyze Test Results: After completing the test, careful analysis of the test results is essential. Network administrators should examine the impact of packet loss on latency, throughput, and overall network performance. This analysis will guide them in making informed decisions to optimize the network infrastructure.

General performance and packet loss testing

The following screenshot is taken from a Cisco ISR router. Several IOS commands can be used to check essential performance. The command shows interface gi1 stats and generic packet in and out information. I would also monitor input and output errors with the command: show interface gi1. Finally, for additional packet loss testing, you can opt for an extended ping that gives you more options than a standard ping. It would be helpful to test from different source interfaces or vary the datagram size to determine any MTU issues causing packet loss.

packet loss testing
Diagram: Packet loss testing.

What Is Packet Loss? Testing Packet Loss

Packet loss results from a packet being sent and somehow lost before it reaches its intended destination. This can happen because of several reasons. Sometimes, a router, switch, or firewall has more traffic coming at it than it can handle and becomes overloaded.

This is known as congestion, and one way to deal with such congestion is to drop packets so you can focus capacity on the rest of the traffic. Here is a quick tip before we get into the details – Keep an eye on buffers!

So, to start testing packet loss, one factor that can be monitored is buffer sizes in the network devices that interconnect source and destination points. Poor buffers cause bandwidth to be unfairly allocated among different types of flows. If some flows do not receive adequate bandwidth, they will exhibit long tails and completion times, degrading performance and resulting in packet drops in the network.

Dropped Packet Test
Diagram: Dropped Packet Test and Packet Loss.

Dropped Packet Test: Application Performance

Network Packet Loss Test

The speed of a network is all about how fast you can move and complete a data file from one location to another. Some factors are easy to influence, and others are impossible, such as the physical distance from one point to the next.

This is why we see a lot of content distributed closer to the source, with intelligent caching, for example, improving user response latency and reducing the cost of data transmission. The TCP’s connection-oriented procedure will affect application performance for different distance endpoints than for source-destination pairs internal to the data center.

We can’t change the laws of physics, and distance will always be a factor, but there are ways to optimize networking devices to improve application performance. One way is to optimize the buffer sizes and select the exemplary architecture to support applications that send burst traffic. There is considerable debate about whether big or small buffers are best or whether we need lossless transport or drop packets.

TCP congestion control

The TCP congestion control and network device buffer significantly affect the time it takes for the flow to complete. TCP was invented over 35 years ago and ensures that sent data blocks are received intact. It creates a logical connection between source-destination pairs and endpoints at the lower IP layer.

The congestion control element was added later to ensure that data transfers can be accelerated or slowed down based on current network conditions. Congestion control is a mechanism that prevents congestion from occurring or relieves it once it appears. For example, the TCP congestion window limits how much data a sender can send into a network before receiving an acknowledgment.

In the following lab guide, I have a host and a web server with a packet sniffer attached. All ports are in the default VLAN, and the server runs the HTTP service. Once we open up the web browser on the host to access the server, we can see the operations of TCP with the 3-way handshake. We have captured the traffic between the client PC and a web server.

TCP uses a three-way handshake process to connect the client and server. (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) First things first: Why is a three-way handshake called a three-way handshake? The reason is that three segments are exchanged between the client and server to establish a TCP connection.

Big buffers vs. small buffers

Both small and large buffer sizes have different effects on application flow types. Some sources claim that small buffer sizes optimize performance, while others claim that larger buffers are better.

Many web giants, including Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, use small buffer switches. It depends on your environment. Understanding your application traffic pattern and testing optimization techniques are essential to finding the sweet spot. Most out-of-the-box applications will not be fine-tuned for your environment; the only rule of thumb is to lab test.  

TCP interaction

Complications arise when the congestion control behavior of TCP interacts with the network device buffer. The two have different purposes. TCP congestion control continuously monitors network bandwidth using packet drops as the metric. On the other hand, buffering is used to avoid packet loss.

In a congestion scenario, the TCP is buffered, but the sender and receiver cannot know there is congestion, and the TCP congestion behavior is never initiated. So, the two mechanisms used to improve application performance don’t complement each other and require careful packet loss testing for your environment.

Dropped Packet Test: The Approach

Dropped packet test tools.

Ping and Traceroute: Where is the packet loss?

At a fundamental level, we have ping and traceroute. Ping measures round-trip times between your computer and an internet destination. Traceroute measures the routers’ response times along the path between your computer and an internet destination.

These will tell you where the packet loss is occurring and how severe. The next step with the dropped packet test is to find your network’s threshold where packets get dropped. Here, we have more advanced tools to understand protocol behavior, which we will discuss now.

IPEF3, TCP dump, TCP probe: Understanding protocol behavior. 

Tools such as iperf3, TCP dump, and TCP probe can be used to test and understand the effects of TCP. There is no point looking at a vendor’s reports and concluding that their “real-world” testing characteristics fit your environment. They are only guides, and “real-world” traffic tests are misleading. Usually, no standard RFC is used for vendor testing, and they will always try to make their products appear better by tailoring the test ( packet size, etc.) to suit their environment.

As an engineer, you must understand the scenarios you anticipate. Be careful of what you read. Recently, there were conflicting buffer testing results from Arista 7124S and Cisco Nexus 5000.

The Nexus 5000 works best when most ports are congested simultaneously, while the Arista 7100 performs best when some ports are congested but not all. These platforms have different buffer architectures regarding buffer sizes, buffer disciplines, and buffer management, which influence how you test.

TCP congestion control: Bandwidth capture effect

The discrepancy and uneven bandwidth allocation for flow boil down to the natural behavior of how TCP reacts and interacts with insufficient packet buffers and the resulting packet drops. The behavior is known as the TCP/IP bandwidth capture effect.

The TCP/IP bandwidth capture effect does not affect the overall bandwidth but more individual Query Completion Times and Flow Completion Times (FCT) for applications. Therefore, the QCT and FCT are prime metrics for measuring TCP-based application performance.

packet drop test
Diagram: Packet Drop Test and TCP.

A TCP stream’s transmission pace is based on a built-in feedback mechanism. The ACK packets from the receiver adjust the sender’s bandwidth to match the available network bandwidth. With each ACK received, the sender’s TCP increases the pace of sending packets to use all available bandwidth. On the other hand, TCP takes three duplicate ACK messages to conclude packet loss on the connection and start the retransmission process.

TCP-dropped flows

So, in the case of inadequate buffers, packets are dropped to signal the sender to ease the transmission rate. TCP-dropped flows start to back off and naturally receive less bandwidth than the other flows that do not back off.

The flows that don’t back off get hungry and take more bandwidth. This causes some flows to get more bandwidth than others unfairly. By default, the decision to drop some flows and leave others alone is not controlled and is made purely by chance.

This conceptually resembles the Ethernet CSMA/CD bandwidth capture effect in shared Ethernet. Stations colliding with other stations on a shared LAN would back off and receive less bandwidth. This is not too much of a problem because all switches support full-duplex.

DCTP & Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)

There is a new variant of TCP called DCTP, which improves congestion behavior. When used with commodity, shallow-buffered switches, DCTCP uses 90% less buffer space within the network infrastructure than TCP. Unlike TCP, the protocol is also burst-tolerant and provides low short-flow latency. DCTCP relies on ECN to enhance the TCP congestion control algorithms.

DCTP tries to measure how often you experience congestion and use that to determine how fast it should reduce or increase its offered load based on the congestion level. DCTP certainly reduces latency and provides more appropriate behavior between streams. The recommended approach is to use DCTP with both ECN and Priority Flow control (pause environments).

Dropped packet test with Microbursts

Microbursts are a type of small bursty traffic pattern lasting only for a few microseconds, commonly seen in Web 2 environments. This traffic is the opposite of what we see with storage traffic, which always has large bursts.

Bursts only become a problem and cause packet loss when there is oversubscription; many communicate with one. This results in what is known as fan-in, which causes packet loss. Fan-in could be a communication pattern consisting of 23-to-1 or 47-to-1, n-to-many unicast, or multicast. All these sources send packets to one destination, causing congestion and packet drops. One way to overcome this is to have sufficient buffering.

Network devices need sufficient packet memory bandwidth to handle these types of bursts. Fan-in can increase end-to-end latency-critical application performance if they don’t have the required buffers. Of course, latency is never good for application performance, but it’s still not as bad as packet loss. When the switch can buffer traffic correctly, packet loss is eliminated, and the TCP window can scale to its maximum size.

Mice & elephant flows.

For the dropped packet test, you must consider two flow types in data center environments. First, we have a large elephant and smaller mice flow. Elephant flows might only represent a low proportion of the total number of flows but consume most of the total data volume.

Mice Flows

Elephant Flow

  • Latency-sensitive “mice” flows

  • Consisting of only several packets

  • Alarm/control messages

  •  Throughput-sensitive “elephant” flows

  • Low number of flows BUT

  • Consume most of the data volume

Mice flow, for example, control and alarm/control messages, are usually pretty significant. As a result, they should be given priority over more significant elephant flows, but this is sometimes not the case with simple buffer types that don’t distinguish between flow types.

Properly regulating the elephant flows with intelligent switch buffers can be given priority. Mice flow is often bursty flow where one query is sent to many servers.

Many small queries are sent back to the single originating host. These messages are often small, only requiring 3 to 5 TCP packets. As a result, the TCP congestion control mechanism may not even be evoked as the congestion mechanisms take three duplicate ACK messages. However, due to the size of elephant flows, they will invoke the TCP congestion control mechanism (mice flows don’t as they are too small).

Testing packet loss: Reactions to buffer sizes

When combined in a shared buffer, mice and elephant flows react differently. Small, deep buffers operate on a first-come, first-served basis and do not distinguish between different flow sizes; everyone is treated equally. Elephants can fill out the buffers and starve mice’s flow, adding to their latency.

On the other hand, bandwidth-aggressive elephant flows can quickly fill up the buffer and impact sensitive mice flows. Longer latency results in longer flow completion time, a prime measuring metric for application performance.

On the other hand, intelligent buffers understand the types of flows and schedule accordingly. With intelligent buffers, elephant flows are given early congestion notification, and the mice flow is expedited under stress. This offers a better living arrangement for both mice and elephant flows.

First, you need to be able to measure your application performance and understand your scenarios. Small buffer switches are used for the most critical applications and do very well. You are unlikely to make a wrong decision with small buffers, so it’s better to start by tuning your application. Out-of-the-box behavior is generic and doesn’t consider failures or packet drops.

The way forward is understanding the application and tuning of host and network devices in an optimized leaf and spine fabric. If you have a lot of incest traffic, having large buffers on the leaf will benefit you more than having large buffers on the Spine.

Key Dropped Packet Test Summary Points:

Main Checklist Points To Consider

  • How dropped packets affect data center performance and how you approach this.

  • Technical details on packet loss and what it represents.

  • Technical details on the speed of a network and the effects of TCP control on this. The bandwidth capture effect.

  • Discussion on small vs. large buffers with Arista and Cisco use case.

  • A final note on microbursts and how they may effect network performance.

Closing comments on testing for packet loss

Packet loss is a common issue that can significantly impact network performance and user experience. It refers to losing data packets during transmission from one device to another. This document will guide you through testing packet loss and provide insights into its potential causes and solutions.

I. Understanding Packet Loss:

1. Definition:

Packet loss occurs when data packets sent over a network fail to reach their destination. This can result in data corruption, latency, and decreased overall network performance.

2. Causes of Packet Loss:

a. Network Congestion: High network traffic can overload routers and switches, leading to dropped packets.

b. Faulty Hardware: Damaged cables, faulty network cards, or malfunctioning routers can contribute to packet loss.

c. Software Issues: Inadequate buffer sizes, misconfigured firewalls, or incompatible protocols can cause packet loss.

d. Wireless Interference: Environmental factors such as physical obstacles, electromagnetic interference, or distance from the access point can result in packet loss in wireless networks.

II. Testing Packet Loss:

1. Ping Test:

The ping command is a simple yet effective way to test packet loss. Open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac/Linux) and type “ping [IP address or domain name].” This will send a series of packets to the specified destination and provide statistics on packet loss.

2. Traceroute:

Traceroute allows you to identify the exact network node where packet loss occurs. Open the command prompt or terminal and type “traceroute [IP address or domain name].” This will display the packets’ path and highlight nodes experiencing packet loss.

3. Network Monitoring Tools:

Various network monitoring tools offer comprehensive packet loss testing. Wireshark, for example, captures network traffic and provides detailed analysis, including packet loss statistics.

III. Troubleshooting Packet Loss:

1. Check Network Hardware:

Inspect network cables, switches, and routers for any signs of damage or malfunction. Replace faulty components if necessary.

2. Update Firmware and Drivers:

Ensure that all network devices have the latest firmware and drivers installed. Manufacturers often release updates to address known issues, including packet loss.

3. Adjust Quality of Service (QoS) Settings:

Configuring QoS settings can help prioritize critical network traffic and mitigate packet loss during periods of high network congestion.

4. Optimize Wireless Network:

Repositioning access points, reducing physical obstacles, or changing wireless channels can minimize wireless interference and significantly reduce packet loss in wireless networks.

The Dropped Packet Test is a valuable diagnostic tool that enables network administrators to identify network issues, evaluate network performance, and assess network resilience. Network administrators can proactively address potential bottlenecks and ensure a reliable and efficient network infrastructure by intentionally creating packet loss scenarios. Regularly conducting the Dropped Packet Test, analyzing the results, and implementing necessary optimizations will help organizations maintain a robust network connection and provide seamless data transmission.

Summary: Dropped Packet Test

Ensuring smooth and uninterrupted data transmission in the fast-paced networking world is vital. One of the challenges that network administrators often encounter is dealing with dropped packets. These packets, which fail to reach their intended destination, can cause latency, data loss, and overall network performance issues. This blog post delved into the dropped packet test, its importance, and how it can help identify and resolve network problems effectively.

Section 1: Understanding Dropped Packets

Dropped packets are packets of data that are discarded or lost during transmission. This can occur for various reasons, such as network congestion, hardware failures, misconfigurations, or insufficient bandwidth. When packets are dropped, it disrupts the data flow and can lead to delays or complete data loss. Understanding the impact of dropped packets is crucial for maintaining a reliable and efficient network.

Section 2: Conducting the Dropped Packet Test

The dropped packet test is a diagnostic technique used to assess the quality and performance of a network. It involves sending test packets through the network and monitoring their successful delivery. By analyzing the results, network administrators can identify potential bottlenecks, misconfigurations, or faulty equipment that may be causing packet loss. This test can be performed using various tools and utilities available in the market, such as network analyzers or packet sniffers.

Section 3: Interpreting Test Results

Once the dropped packet test is conducted, the next step is to interpret the test results. The results will typically provide information about the percentage of dropped packets, the specific network segments or devices where the drops occur, and the potential causes behind the packet loss. This valuable data allows administrators to promptly pinpoint and address the root causes of network performance issues.

Section 4: Troubleshooting and Resolving Packet Loss

Network administrators can delve into troubleshooting and resolving the issue upon identifying the sources of packet loss. This may involve adjusting network configurations, upgrading hardware components, optimizing bandwidth allocation, or implementing Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms. The specific actions will depend on the nature of the problem and the network infrastructure in place. Administrators can significantly improve network performance and maintain smooth data transmission with a systematic approach based on the dropped packet test results.


The dropped packet test is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of network administrators. Administrators can proactively address network issues and optimize performance by understanding the concept of dropped packets, conducting the test, and effectively interpreting the results. Organizations can ensure seamless communication, efficient data transfer, and enhanced productivity with a robust and reliable network.