
Cachefly CDN

I recently completed a few guest posts for Cachefly CDN. Kindly follow the link – Post 1 – Matt Conran & Cachefly, Post 2 – Matt Conran & Anycast and Post 3 – Matt Conran & TCP Anycast.

“We are witnessing a hyperconnectivity era with everything and anything pushed to the Internet to take advantage of its broad footprint. Users are scattered everywhere and they all want consistent service independent of connected device or medium. Everyone has high expectations and no one is willing to wait for a slow page load or buffered video. Nowadays, service performance is critical but are today’s protocols prepared for this new age of connectivity?”




Corsa Technologies DDoS White Paper

I recently completed a white paper for Corsa Technologies on DDoS Mitigation. Kindly visit the link and register to download – Matt Conran & Corsa Technologies.

“This white paper addresses some of the key concerns of today’s approach and technologies used to deal with the increasing volume of DDoS attacks. It introduces a radically simplified, yet high-performance approach to network security that shuts down even the most intense attacks. Today’s threat landscape is intensifying, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The number of infected Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues to surge with the release of the Mirai source code and appearance of the Leet Botnet. Multi-vector sophisticated attacks are targeting popular domains and new Android malware is swallowing the mobile world. The ubiquitous nature of the always on cell phone introduces a lot of scary things.”